Eurovision 2008!

ii just say **** it . we take our money from the thing and it would collapse and then all the ******* easern european ****s can't afford it then and they haven't ******* got anything.
devilrules666 said:
ii just say **** it . we take our money from the thing and it would collapse and then all the ******* easern european ****s can't afford it then and they haven't ******* got anything.

I totaly agree but....language mate, there are kids visiting here too :roll:
Tachi- said:
devilrules666 said:
ii just say **** it . we take our money from the thing and it would collapse and then all the ******* easern european ****s can't afford it then and they haven't ******* got anything.

I totaly agree but....language mate, there are kids visiting here too :roll:

Yes, my poor wittle ears :(
CitizenGeek said:
Anyone else watching this? I saw the first semi-final last night, and it was great! I voted for Norway and Slovenia, but only Norway got through. So, I hope Norway wins! :] I wouldn't mind if Israel won, though and I kind of hope Russia doesn't simply because of how utterly ridiculous the ice-skater was during the performance. Ireland didn't get through, and Dustin certainly didn't deserve to get through anyway.

For the record, here's the Norwegian entry. Enjoy!

(Pointless, but anyway: I'm going to miss tomorrow's semi-final because I have to go to my graduation mass, followed by the kind of drinking us Irish are known for and then it's a friends birthday on Saturday so I'll miss the actual final. Woe is me!)

can u get any gayer? lol

before i even looked at who made the topic i knew it had to be you lol
I like watching it for its cheesiness, but, omg, what the hell was up with this year? >____> Russia should NOT have won. If anything, it should have been Greece. I really didn't think that was fair... And now those Russkis have upset Terry Wogan so much so that he's gonna quit Eurovision! :(

If I were in charge, I'd actually make it so you CAN'T vote for your neighbouring countries, in the same way that you can't vote for your own. >>

Btw, I remember hearing the Danish one... they stole a song lyric from 'Celebrate good times, come on!' xD
skikes said:
CitizenGeek said:
Anyone else watching this? I saw the first semi-final last night, and it was great! I voted for Norway and Slovenia, but only Norway got through. So, I hope Norway wins! :] I wouldn't mind if Israel won, though and I kind of hope Russia doesn't simply because of how utterly ridiculous the ice-skater was during the performance. Ireland didn't get through, and Dustin certainly didn't deserve to get through anyway.

For the record, here's the Norwegian entry. Enjoy!

(Pointless, but anyway: I'm going to miss tomorrow's semi-final because I have to go to my graduation mass, followed by the kind of drinking us Irish are known for and then it's a friends birthday on Saturday so I'll miss the actual final. Woe is me!)

can u get any gayer? lol

before i even looked at who made the topic i knew it had to be you lol

******* owned.
Way to make Eurovision exciting.

1) **** the singing part it's a waste of time.

2) Get rond enough people so you have a person to country

3) Everyone puts in a fiver and draws a country

4) Watch results come in and drink

5) Claim your money
skikes said:
can u get any gayer? lol

before i even looked at who made the topic i knew it had to be you lol

Oh, skikes, if understood irony, you'd see it was in that post in abundance. But you don't, so you're missing out ;]
CitizenGeek said:
skikes said:
can u get any gayer? lol

before i even looked at who made the topic i knew it had to be you lol

Oh, skikes, if understood irony, you'd see it was in that post in abundance. But you don't, so you're missing out ;]

i bet u sit infront of ur computer screen for like 10minutes thinking of the bitchiest little comment ur queeny little mind can muster...
skikes said:
i bet u sit infront of ur computer screen for like 10minutes thinking of the bitchiest little comment ur queeny little mind can muster...

Again, so. much. irony.

Also, what is it about people thinking they can psychically channel me and work out specific nuances of my life from a few words today? First it was Tachi-, now skikes. Funny.
CitizenGeek said:
skikes said:
i bet u sit infront of ur computer screen for like 10minutes thinking of the bitchiest little comment ur queeny little mind can muster...

Again, so. much. irony.

Also, what is it about people thinking they can psychically channel me and work out specific nuances of my life from a few words today? First it was Tachi-, now skikes. Funny.

CG, can you stop referring to that and sending links please.

1 i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.
2 nobody cares.

Nobodies denied that mentally your a worthy adversary. But nobody wants to read these petty squabbles on the internet. people's reactions in that thread is proof enough.

On subject, the Eurovision half time show wasn't that bad, preferred the cello playing, gothic looking band. still don't understand just how they managed to make a cello sound like it was some kind of electric cello (presumably a spin off of a electric guitar)
Tachi- said:
1 i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.
2 nobody cares.

Nobodies denied that mentally your a worthy adversary. But nobody wants to read these petty squabbles on the internet. people's reactions in that thread is proof enough.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but.. you're wrong. I enjoy reading these "debates", actually. ;p
Jayme said:
Tachi- said:
1 i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.
2 nobody cares.

Nobodies denied that mentally your a worthy adversary. But nobody wants to read these petty squabbles on the internet. people's reactions in that thread is proof enough.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but.. you're wrong. I enjoy reading these "debates", actually. ;p


Well as of today they won't be happening anymore.
(Walks through door)Hey guys,I saw.....(sees he has entered into conflict zone and backs away :eek: )
But yes, i totally agree that this years contest was totally biased and i'm suprised that there hasn't been some sort of scandal uncovered about it by now.
Tachi- said:
Jayme said:
Tachi- said:
1 i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.
2 nobody cares.
Nobodies denied that mentally your a worthy adversary. But nobody wants to read these petty squabbles on the internet. people's reactions in that thread is proof enough.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but.. you're wrong. I enjoy reading these "debates", actually. ;p
Well as of today they won't be happening anymore.
0.o *looking really amazed*
Jayme said:
Tachi- said:
1 i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.
2 nobody cares.

Nobodies denied that mentally your a worthy adversary. But nobody wants to read these petty squabbles on the internet. people's reactions in that thread is proof enough.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but.. you're wrong. I enjoy reading these "debates", actually. ;p

I like how all the scene-kids seem to hate CG. :eek:
Lelouch said:
Jayme said:
Tachi- said:
1 i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you.
2 nobody cares.

Nobodies denied that mentally your a worthy adversary. But nobody wants to read these petty squabbles on the internet. people's reactions in that thread is proof enough.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but.. you're wrong. I enjoy reading these "debates", actually. ;p

I like how all the scene-kids seem to hate CG. :eek:

Im the only Scene kid around here (as far as i know) :lol:
evangelion rocks said:
What's a scene kid?


to be honest that looks like half of my wardrobe but the whole idea of scene kid makes me laugh... look at the retro gameboy, its tragic