English "Presentation" Help!! (Its more of an argu


Final Grade: B

Now, rant time. Ive got to say this new english teacher (Temping casue the real teachers just had a baby) is horribly bad. I couldnt help but notice that all the girls in the class seemed to get brilliant grades, for what can only be classed as poor presentations. You want examples, yes?

One girl in my class done a presentation on why we should lower the abortion time. She says it should be taken down from 24 weeks to 20. Now this is not a BAD topic, but, I could help but think that the A* grade she got wasnt really just. I mean, she said "Im passing around an article from a newspaper on something Gordon Brown said about the abortion age and why it should be brought down". Now, firstly, the article was on David Cameron, not Gordon Brown, an A* grade for reading t he wrong name of your paper? hmmm. And surely, for an A* grade, she would have told us WHAT newspaper it was from. She also didnt really tell you much, just passed around pictures of aborted babies and told us pointless and (blatantly) obvious facts. Such as "If we bring the abortion time down to 20 weeks, the amount of backstreet abortions COULD increase". Id be pretty sure they will somehow... And I dunno, she real lots of of paper infront of her, and had prepared that presentation the night before doing it. A* worthy?

Now, I hate to seem arrogant but, I was one of the only people to pick a controversial topic, I had all my facts, didnt read at all off of que cards, didnt rely on handouts or a Powerpoint. I got noted for engaging the audience from the start, and I answered every question with good evidence to back everything I said up. And, I couldnt help but think that because alot of people came up to me (even if they were against what I was saying) and said "Wow, well done you done a great presentation" I deserved more than a B.

Also, one of the girls who done a horrific (I seriously mean horrific) presentation on smacking children got her grade modified as she read it out. Its kinda obvious when she went "B....*scribbles on paper* plus!" (So you know, it really was horrific, her presentation contradicted everything she said. She gave facts saying 'if we stop smacking like they did in Sweeden, child abuse will rise by 493%', that isnt something you want to mention when your against it, and, since when has stopping pocket money been an effective punishment for teenagers? *sigh*)

Well, I guess I best stop ranting but, my god I hate that teacher. I cant wait for the old one to come back. (Just to note, Ive had High A's in every piece of my coursework, and I was expected to get my highest grade in my Presentation work -.- )