Dragonball movie officially confirmed; set for summer '08

supersaiyanwarrior1228 said:
I don't think a live action adaption is a good idea as this could ruin the whole dragonball franchise :?

I think that's a little harsh statement.
Yeah this will suck and most likely infuriate fans but if your a fan of the original anime, a film isn't going affect how you see ioriginal manga/anime is it, if it's bad it will only make you realise how good the original series was in comparison it can't possibly ruin what is already there.
I'm not bothered about the film at all but i grew up watching dbz and was a little gutted upon hearing this, but they're making movies of series' left right and center it was bound to happen sooner or later. I think if anything this will give the series a much needed boost as sales on the original manga and anime will soar and that means tv reruns etc also introducing new people in to the anima/manga industry.
So as much as it hurts and might be a terrible potrayal etc it's going to do DBZ at least some good.
LukasROAR said:
I think if anything this will give the series a much needed boost as sales on the original manga and anime will soar and that means tv reruns etc also introducing new people in to the anima/manga industry.
So as much as it hurts and might be a terrible potrayal etc it's going to do DBZ at least some good.

Well Viz have already said they are going to start re-releasing the manga in onimbus editions which will have something like 3 - 5 vols in each one :) So that's a start and hopefully with the movie being released over here it may promote who ever has the anime licence overhere to do something with it instead of holding on to it for some unknown purpose
I know its not anime but Transformers had a similar treatment when it came out - I might watch the film online but we'll have to wait and see and with the whole writers strike thing who knows what it'll turn out like?! But what was said about it wont ruin the series is true - I didn't like the hitman film but I still love the games! Hopefully the film will get some decent reigon 2 DVD releases or something - the omnibus edition of the manga sounds good though - but is their any anime/manga that would translate to film well?
True what they're doing is a high gamble, but as mentioned that if they succed it will be a big step for all Anime kind. After all normally if movie adaption is successful, directors start making movies that are alike the adaption (I'm being confusing here, but try to keep up if you don't mind) and make more anime movie adaptions. Plus there will be more anime in Britain, just like when DBZ was first introduced, it let Britain accept more Anime.

I say roll the dice and hope we get luck :D
I like the choice for Emmy Rossum. Although I'm sure if she can play someone as bratty as Bulma I think she'll do well.

It's nothing much but I got bored and made this :D


If your interested in seeing the full sized version head over to;
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i87/S ... 1203139728