Doodles (Image Heavy)

Thanks hun!

Finished Kei, not perfect but hey!

Aww thank you :)

I'm still getting in to the grove of things, wish I hadn't stopped drawing for so long though, but I am now confident enough to adjust images when they go wrong

:O! Sorry that I've been pretty quiet on there, I hope to one day be able to sit and finish a piece in one day.......damn me being distracted easily :p
GolGotha said:
Aww thank you :)

I'm still getting in to the grove of things, wish I hadn't stopped drawing for so long though, but I am now confident enough to adjust images when they go wrong

:O! Sorry that I've been pretty quiet on there, I hope to one day be able to sit and finish a piece in one day.......damn me being distracted easily :p

I always found that taking a break from a piece helped me. When i drew all those blue moons ago(i had a thread once, died in the depths of history) it took me about 4-5 hours sometimes on and off doing pieces. Usually the main outline of a character, then the shading seperate. Gave me fresh eyes so i didn't make any silly mistakes. So yeah, it's fine taking your time, your results at the mo are fantastic anyways, so no need to change it up.
I was going to say that it would be interesting to see you draw a manga. You should try entering the Manga Jiman contest they run each year :)

Eh? Why would you say that Rui? I'm no way ready for a competition

I thought me giving myself a year for a manga concept was bad enough.....
It's an amateur competition with just a couple of pages needed, and having a deadline more authentically recreates the experience of reading Bakuman. :D

Your illustrations are seriously good.

GolGotha said:
Eh? Why would you say that Rui? I'm no way ready for a competition

I thought me giving myself a year for a manga concept was bad enough.....

Less modesty, less fear, more sweat and blood!
Start drawing now!
