Diagnostic Manual of Anime Diseases, 1st ed
Where can I pre-order a copy please?
From a narrative perspective, it would make sense for there to be two equal and opposite characters, with Sensei encouraging growth in the gems, while this theoretical Anti-Sensei enslaves the lunarians. That would make sense in a story that leans heavily into themes of identity and self-actualisation.
Very nice theory and would certainly make for an interesting narrative.
I'd also just like to say this simulwatch has been a lot of fun. The more the merrier as they say and that's certainly true when discussing a great show with a lot to talk about.
My first simulwatch with everyone and fully agree with WMD, a great show like this really is best served with everyone's thoughts and analyses, it's been great fun so thanks to everyone and special thanks to Birdie Num Num for the added beautiful visual element of the concept art (heh just catching up on everyone's comments and clearly & rightly everyone feels the gratitude for the provision of the artwork!).
I am an anime > manga person, so I always prefer the former.
Me too, the animation and music elements an anime production brings to the story will always make it superior to a manga/novel for me even if concepts and lore can have more space in the latter formats to be expanded on. I too hope that the anime continues but assume having the manga continuing increases the chances of the former doing so too?
@Geriatric hedgehog Looking around real quick (Wikipedia, the fandom etc), it seems like it sold just ok (the manga sold progressively better) , blu ray sold acceptably too, but nothing that would light the world on fire.
And people and their lack of appreciation for such class & quality continues to disappoint...

nervously eyeing new mvm monogatari titles without even having watched a single episode
If you've seen and liked the previous ones, you'll like the upcoming ones, and Owari 3 brings the show to a wonderful close (I'm personally going to try, on re-watching, to see zoku before owari 3 in the way Hanamonogatari is admixed in, given how well I feel owari ends and it should stop there, no epilogue season needed heh).
I'm like that irl too, so I can be an annoying little f°ck lol
Makes two of us but my excuse is it reflects personality and hey I can always be thrown out of the room if I get too annoying heh.
May i be the first to say that Monogatari is sublime? If I give this an 8/10, Monogatari is 10/10 for me
Yes, yes, I second, I second! That is on the level of Evangelion for me (probably why I feel so ironically defensive about it that I have myself in the recent past ** slaps forehead ** pointed out issues in it that I don't like, as I care so much about that show and don't want anyone nitpicking it so I'll get in there before them... Don't ask about the logic there...)
given how the show is a lot more repeatable than some of those examples, I’ve had more times to marinade in its themes.
I actually plan to binge re-watch it in the next few weeks so completely get why so many people have watched it multiple times!
The sad reality is that most anime made these days are adaptations created solely for the purpose of promoting the source material or generating merch, & maybe there just isn’t enough of an incentive to make more.
Just seems like such a waste of a truly fantastic and imaginative medium...
Anyhoo, now to look for copies of the manga for sale online heh