Does your manga need to be Japanese?

I have I Luv Halloween and it is American, and sort of closet it gets to manga really is big heads and being released by Tokyopop. It is not a bad read if you think of it just as comedy horror comic, but unless you share my twisted sense of humour you may find volume 3 just a bit sick and in bad taste.
Dracos said:
What do people here feel about some of the western titles like Spawn and Witchblade that have been re-visioned by Japanese writers and artists for the Japanese market. I have both of these and find it quite amusing to take a western idea turn it into manga and then translate it back.
I have no problem with it, but if it was the other way round (a western artist re-imagining a Japanese manga) you can bet that fans would be sending hate mail in droves. It seems a bit hypocritical to me if they're happy with the former though but perhaps I'd be proven wrong.
This sounds awfully similar to the "Is Avatar anime or a cartoon" question. IMO, I'll only really call it Manga if it's japanese. If I started calling ordinary comics Manga then it'd only give me a headache distinguishing them.