Doctor Who series finale best idea yet


Stand User
I think them having the Cybermen and the Daleks is the best idea, also they wont go down the same path having Billy save the world lol, what does everyone else think of this finale?
Pretty good. It'd have been better if the Dalek's had arrived another way though and Chris Eccleston had come out of the Void Ship :) It would have been more surprising.

I'd have liked to have seen Jack amongst the Torchwood staff, and Rose hasn't done much yet. I loved Mickey coming back though, especially with his BFG :D

A very cool and very funny episode.
I thought it was pretty good, at least i was entertained enough to watch it for a change, i really think i prefered Christopher Eccleston to David Tennant
Best episode that Russell T Davis has written so far. Which means that it is the 5 worst episode so far. His episodes are always the worst of both series and yet he seems to be the only one who gets credit for the series.

Let's hope he doesn't balls it up in the ending like he always does, adding stuff that makes no sense and trying to justify it with "But doesn't it look cool?!"
My theory, Doctor Who will totally beat the Daleks and the Cybermen, with only a sonic screwdriver, so that they can never come back again.
Then they will come back and appear in a later episode.

I want new baddies not old ones continually returning again and again.

Also, I missed this episode on Saturday (together with the last 15 mins of the England match :x ) but we ended up in Tesco while Doctor Who was on. Tesco spoiled that whole episode for me with their stupid policy of "lets show T.V. on the T.V.'s"
Shafutard said:
I want new baddies not old ones continually returning again and again.
I agree, thas one of the reasons i havn't been bothered to watch this series, the same old baddies have just got boring, even with their new make overs they are still boring, and surely theres only so many times those Daleks can come back, that was the only thing that i thought really let that episode down the other day, i was all excited to see what was going to be this new mysterious bad guy, and it was just the same old Daleks again
I watched this episode of Doctor Who earlier.

I couldn't keep a straight face, to me the whole episode was hilarious. I don't know if it was the acting - more likely the direction - just made it seem really tacky.
I expected some big epic battle, all I got was a CG fest and sarcastic comments. People rave on about the quality of Doctor Who and I admit the last episode in particular had one or two good moments.

When Roses cries her heart out to the Doctor and gets pulled into the vortex. They probably wasted their whole budget on that part!

Doctor Who is good for kids but I can't watch it seriously, the direction is annoying. Too much close ups on the face and still movements - where is the panning? It was enjoyable but nothing fantastic. :p
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