Do your friends share you love of anime?

My friends only really watch it with me. One of my friends is a hard core gamer and she's starting to get into it after I showed her Advent Children. And a lot of my friends just like cartoons in general but don't know much about anime. I'm trying my best to change that 8)
xx[chii]xx said:
Only one of my friends likes anime like i do, the rest think its geeky and block me out when i talk about it :(

Pfttt, everyone knows anime is for the ultr0r l337 mast0rs of teh interwebs. 8)
Hyaku said:
pomtry said:
By the power of my great mind I shall make a plan to get everyone into anime. :twisted:

I suggest we use fire, and drugs, or a combo. :twisted:

Or... we can wipe out every British and American shows on British TV and replace it with marathons of Anime!!!!!!!!!!!