Do your friends share you love of anime?

I have one friend who is really into it. Another who kinda likes Anime but not as much as I do. No one in my family likes it, but my father has watched some Ghibli stuff, and stating that "They don't look very Japanese". That's it as far as I know.
I only have one friend who i'm trying to get into anime slowly but surely, the rest of my friends don't really care for it. :?
Masaka_Naraku said:
Where I Am...Barely.

Some people got interested but nobody else likes or knows anime.

Only one boy knows anime but he hates hentai O_____O;;

My friend also hates it, after seeing pictures of Naruto being sodomised.


Only one of my mates loves anime like I do, too bad he lives in Durham and I live in Swindon, it means the best we get to watching anime together is poswting each other DVD's and then talking about what we thought of them in emails.

Although when we visit and see each other we always manage to sit down in front of the tv and catch up on our fave stuff.

I would love to have mates nearby that love anime that way we could do viewing nights, my local pub has a mini cinema in the backroom and you can rent it out, would be great to go in there watch new movies and chat about it.
I don't even know anyone who knows what anime is.
They just call it "that Pokemon stuff." D:

Seriously, some of the things I've heard compared to Pokemon is jsut insane: Ghibli movies, Wolf's Rain, Death Note...Even freakin' Battle Royale..and its not even animated. XD

Last year when I was in year 10, some year 11 goth/imo girls sat at the back of the caferteria drawing manga...I didn't know them or anything though. =/

I wish my friends/family weren't so ignorant. ;_;
ah, wells.
Silver said:
I don't even know anyone who knows what anime is.
They just call it "that Pokemon stuff." D:

Seriously, some of the things I've heard compared to Pokemon is jsut insane: Ghibli movies, Wolf's Rain, Death Note...Even freakin' Battle Royale..and its not even animated. XD

Last year when I was in year 10, some year 11 goth/imo girls sat at the back of the caferteria drawing manga...I didn't know them or anything though. =/

I wish my friends/family weren't so ignorant. ;_;
ah, wells.

Yep, anyone who doesn't really follow anime just refers to it as: 'that pokemon stuff' or that 'japanese crap'

I pity all the narrow minded smacktards who just dismiss the entire concept, from which they know nothing about :?

Thats why we gather here, on teh intarwebs. 8)
Some of my friends are otakus.
Some of my friends are fans like me.
Some of my friends like a few shows, but don't really watch it as a rule.
Some of my friends have no objection to watching it, but would much rather watch Hollyoaks, Neighbours, the OC, etc...
Some of my friends don't even know what it is.
Some of my friends just aren't interested in it.
Some of my friends have watched a bit, but didn't like it and don't want to see any more.

Think that's everyone :D .
McIcy said:
I wish I had Otaku and fan mates, would be so cool to be able to swap and share manga/anime like in Genshiken

I only knew one guy was an otaku, and he was like an EXTREME fan, poor schmuck never left his house =P

This was like........ 5 years ago now though, his collection must be mastodonic 8)
Hyaku said:
McIcy said:
I wish I had Otaku and fan mates, would be so cool to be able to swap and share manga/anime like in Genshiken

I only knew one guy was an otaku, and he was like an EXTREME fan, poor schmuck never left his house =P

This was like........ 5 years ago now though, his collection must be mastodonic 8)

Drooooooool over the size of a true otaku's collection. It would be like walking into Aladins cave
Hyaku said:
Wonder if someones ever died from being trapped under their own collection, after a shelf gave way or something. :p
Wouldn't that be a great way to die though..? With maybe a panty-shot from a manga to be the last thing you see... :twisted:
Well yesterday i had a wolfwood t-shirt on,and i got a poke and shout of 'WOLFWOOOOOOOOD!!!!' from a mutual friend.It was a nice suprise...and err strange.
These days almost everyone I talk to is into anime or manga. I only come into contact with anime virgins when I'm going to a wedding or housewarming party, and the friends of my friends don't know it.
My god someone I know came into college and while we where on a brake they took out a helsing Dvd and started watching it on the computer. :shock: