do your friends like anime ?

Hyaku said:
thekendyman said:
We'll have you ever felt like hitting someone who continually says that Anime are for wee kids, even though your sitting watching something like GITS or Akira?

I don't associate with such ignorance and stupidity.

Seriously though, that **** happens a LOT, and it pisses me off to the extreme.
Why? It doesn't effect you in any way what people think.
I have two that acknowledge it and have seen the main movies, Akria etc, and the others dont really care much, one of them does use it against me while trying to insult me (hes like that, but he gets it back :p) but I dont really mind cause I know hes not serious about it.
Link100p said:
Hyaku said:
thekendyman said:
We'll have you ever felt like hitting someone who continually says that Anime are for wee kids, even though your sitting watching something like GITS or Akira?

I don't associate with such ignorance and stupidity.

Seriously though, that **** happens a LOT, and it pisses me off to the extreme.
Why? It doesn't effect you in any way what people think.


You missed my point completely.

The fact that people don't care doesn't annoy me, it's the chilling reality that people can be that f***ing stupid and get away with it.

If everyone were as close minded and ignorant (like a large portion of the population is), and are unable to understand why you'd want to embrace even the most remote aspects of a certain culture, we wouldn't be a fraction closer to letting the message seep into the mainstream.
None of my friends like anime (nor do they have anything against it) and it’s never really discussed. I realise that my interest is a little unusual but it suits me that way. The fact that this thread exists is an acknowledgement of the limited appeal of anime in the UK. But I quite like it’s niche status. After all, if anime was as popular and common as police and detective programmes, it’s highly unlikely this forum would exist.

Someone’s gonna tell me that there’s a ‘Police and Detective Drama UK News’ website now aren’t they?
harkins said:
None of my friends like anime (nor do they have anything against it) and it’s never really discussed. I realise that my interest is a little unusual but it suits me that way.

Its not unusual Anime has been on UK TV For Years but very few people relise it, Pokemon, Cyborg 009, Yugioh to name but a few, all of which Have appeared on BBC & ITV over the years
Its weird but people don't seem to think of pokemon as anime, whenever I've said it to my mates they disagree and says its a cartoon and that I'm an idiot for believing its anime.

Always makes me laugh at therre naivity
thekendyman said:
Its not unusual Anime has been on UK TV For Years but very few people relise it, Pokemon, Cyborg 009, Yugioh to name but a few, all of which Have appeared on BBC & ITV over the years

I think thats the main problem with people, you say anime, they suddenly think, Anime > Pokemon > Kids, nothing other than that, It'll only stop once the better shows get aired.
At my last school (I switched schools at the end of Year 9, I'm just coming up to the end of Year 10 now) it was the Anime Society that got me interested in anime. There were a group of people, now in sixth form, that all had different tastes in genres, but all sharing a similar interest in anime, who started up a club. I just happened to get drafted in when I offered up my (at the time fairly mediocre) website design skills to make them up a website.

Time went on and I was co-running the society - it was great! But then I changed schools... Now most conversations with my friends, let's call them X, go like this:

Adam (me): Hey X, I like manga/anime.
X : Haha - Adam jerks to manga!

>>; Seriouslywtf.

Also, when my parents realised I was getting into the whole Japanese thing, they were mostly okay with it. Except for every so often they look for reassurance that I'm "not watching this han-tei stuff....". It's alright though, 'cause I guess there must be other parents out there who despise the idea of their children watching "cartoons". Yet even so, it is treated as a fairly "kiddy" around those who accept me watching it.

Y'know, I guess in the end most of us are only on this forum seeking other people to talk to about our common interest in anime; most of us, including myself, because we don't really get that kind of conversation on a day-to-day basis. It's for that reason I'm so glad for AnimeUKNews, after all... [/soppy]

Oh, and sorry for changing the topic back to where it should be :p .
adamcube said:
Oh, and sorry for changing the topic back to where it should be :p .

You should be :p

But yeah, Id have nothing much to watch without Anime, I watch alot of american shows, but, like now, Prison Breaks and Scrubs finished, Heroes Finished last night, House and Lost is close to finishing for the summer, so at the moment Ive just really got One Piece to tide me over, which isnt a bad thing either :D.
thekendyman said:
harkins said:
None of my friends like anime (nor do they have anything against it) and it’s never really discussed. I realise that my interest is a little unusual but it suits me that way.

Its not unusual Anime has been on UK TV For Years but very few people relise it, Pokemon, Cyborg 009, Yugioh to name but a few, all of which Have appeared on BBC & ITV over the years

Just because a handful of shows have made it (badly edited and dubbed – not that that’s particularly relevant) onto children’s TV over the years doesn’t mean that my interest in anime isn’t unusual.

Most people on here, I’d say, have an interest in anime that goes beyond watching a few episodes of Pokemon on CITV. It’s the greater interest that leads to buying or downloading multiple shows that sets the users of this site and similar sites apart from the people who have only watched (and even enjoyed) the likes of Pokemon et al.
adamcube said:
Adam (me): Hey X, I like manga/anime.
X : Haha - Adam jerks to manga!

>>; Seriouslywtf.
It's the same for me in college, except it's called JDP. [Japanese Dwarf Porn.] =|
Me two close friends enjoy anime as well, my best friend isn't a huge enthusiast but he enjoys sitting around at my house watching my anime with me when we're pulling an all-nighter. Since my anime DVDs cover 80% of my DVD collection as opposed to live action, people generally know I enjoy watching it so they can either make fun of me or come sit down and watch it with me.
One of my freinds the other day saw I was watching some anime while it was break for college and he shouted infront of everyone i was watching cartoon porn :shock: So i gues theres some more of my freinds that will not get into anime because of that idiot
I have a messenger bag that has "HENTAI INSIDE" written on it which I ordered from TokyoToys, I take it to college every day so I can't really deny any accusations when someone says "He watches hentai, he even has a bag for it any everything!" :|
Nemphtis said:
I have a messenger bag that has "HENTAI INSIDE" written on it which I ordered from TokyoToys, I take it to college every day so I can't really deny any accusations when someone says "He watches hentai, he even has a bag for it any everything!" :|

You should've anticipated such problems. :lol:
My friends aren't so much into Anime. I think three of them are and only one of them likes it as much as me. They just accept it as this thing I love and randomly attend things with me. Like the Paprika screening on tuesday in London, I'm taking my friend Will who has only really seen Ghibli Animes, Im trying to expand his horizon.

Dragged my friends with me to the Expo today too and they were scared of the Cosplayers! They had fun though :) So I guess while none of them really like Anime they don't mind attending things with me :) Because Anime related stuff is fun!
Junipurr said:
My friends aren't so much into Anime. I think three of them are and only one of them likes it as much as me. They just accept it as this thing I love and randomly attend things with me. Like the Paprika screening on tuesday in London, I'm taking my friend Will who has only really seen Ghibli Animes, Im trying to expand his horizon.

Dragged my friends with me to the Expo today too and they were scared of the Cosplayers! They had fun though :) So I guess while none of them really like Anime they don't mind attending things with me :) Because Anime related stuff is fun!

Wasn't The Renji Cosplayer really cool.

Also the whole Death Note Flock, With Light Yagami walking around, with Ryuk directly behind. Then just for the sake of it, there was L and Misa.
Jayme said:
Junipurr said:
My friends aren't so much into Anime. I think three of them are and only one of them likes it as much as me. They just accept it as this thing I love and randomly attend things with me. Like the Paprika screening on tuesday in London, I'm taking my friend Will who has only really seen Ghibli Animes, Im trying to expand his horizon.

Dragged my friends with me to the Expo today too and they were scared of the Cosplayers! They had fun though :) So I guess while none of them really like Anime they don't mind attending things with me :) Because Anime related stuff is fun!

Wasn't The Renji Cosplayer really cool.

Also the whole Death Note Flock, With Light Yagami walking around, with Ryuk directly behind. Then just for the sake of it, there was L and Misa.

OMG ! i wish i would have been there :cry: i live all the way in north yorkshite. I have yet to meet a person in the face who loves anime half as much as i do :cry: