Do you support gay marriage?

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes, I think gay relationships should be equal to heterosexual relationships.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I support civil unions, instead of marriage for gay couples.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I do not support gay marriage.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Guild Member
Currently, this is the topic du jour here in Ireland. So, I thought I'd poll the people of AUKN to see where you all stand on the issue! Please do explain your choice, too! :]
Question: CG, are you gay?

I'm honestly not trying to be offensive: I guessed you were either homosexual or bisexual a while back. Every homosexual anime forum person I've ran into seems to type excessively and come across a little feminine in their posting style. You creating a thread that's connected to homosexuality has made me curious enough to want to know the truth. :D

To answer the topic question: No, I don't.

My reasoning for this is my firm belief that the male exit hole should remain an exit hole. The other reason is that I hate thought of a gay couple adopting a child and raising him/her... Can you imagine how hard it would be for a child to grow up like that? He/she would be bullied to death.

The only time I can see myself changing my view on this is if we're talking about REALLY hot lesbians getting married.
I don't have a problem with it but at the same time I don't think actually getting married is worth all the hassle and expense anyway, hetro or otherwise. I don't see anything wrong with just living together as a couple because apart from owning a document saying that you are legally bound to each other there doesn't seem to be much advantage to it really.
I don't really care to be honest about gay marriage. I mean if 2 people love each other enough to get married, then go get married.

Though like sy, ive never seen the big deal in getting married, it seems more of a confirmation that you love each other than anything else tbh so I don't quite understand the whole "OMG HOMESEXUALS GETTING MARRIED BAD BAD BAD" stipulation that some people say.

However, I do not like the idea of homesexuals getting married so they can adopt children. Society (as PC as we try to be) is not ready for kids with gay parents, and all it will lead to is an incredibly amount of hardship for that child through his childhood (due to bullying/teasing etc). Marriage is fine by me, but marriage with kids is a whole other story
Yeah i support
In a society that seems to accept anything(i use this very calusually)why segregate gay community.
Also marriage does not equal kids.
Of course kids will get bullied for having two mums/dads thats not a reason to say no children can be evil at times and they will pick on the littlest things.
If children are getting bullied becuase there loving family is a little diffrent from the conventinal then it's up to society as a while to teach them other wise.
Got to remember kids once got bullied for there parents splitting up(now a days it's the normal).
Marriage is redundant in this day and age anyway, since it was originally concepted about such a religious union between two people, something which is terminally dying in this country.

I don't support marriage as a whole, so I guess my answer is no.

Also, two dudes shacking up and copulating like neutered dogs isn't the same as the two traditional marriage candidates, so why should their marriage be treated the same?
Aion said:
The only time I can see myself changing my view on this is if we're talking about REALLY hot lesbians getting married.
Geez! That's short-sighted... I mean, I like to see hot lesbians so I won't question your tastes. ;)

I'm not fussed about the gay/lesbian society, although I do feel they should be given the same rights to partner up with who-ever they'd like.

As for the adoption thing, that's just what they'll have to live with. It's not the gay parent's fault or the kid's. It's the people that are too ignorant of change and the unorthadox. "Humanity fears what they don't understand," is the quote I believe fits here.
We've had gay stuff around for a while now, so why can't the ordinary face facts and see something that isn't 'a bland shade of gray'? (A.k.a. the norm.)

As Moe (Simpsons) said, "It's not my thing, but I wish them well."
Chaz said:
We've had gay stuff around for a while now, so why can't the ordinary face facts and see something that isn't 'a bland shade of gray'? (A.k.a. the norm.)

The main reason, IMO, why the general population can't see gay marrigae as a normal thing is because as a soceity, we've been continuously pounded by the religious concept that being gay is something bad. Unlike divorce which was mentioned above, this isn't something that is condoned by the religions, and the general population (even if they arn't observant) tend to follow the feelings of their religion.
I say no, not because i'm homophobic or something (infact, im bi) but I always see marriage as a christian thing and, christians dont like homosexuals. But, I cant honestly say I feel strongly abut the matter.
Chaz said:
Aion said:
The only time I can see myself changing my view on this is if we're talking about REALLY hot lesbians getting married.
Geez! That's short-sighted... I mean, I like to see hot lesbians so I won't question your tastes. ;)

Imagine you're a 13 year old boy in an orphanage. Next, imagine 2 REALLY hot lesbians adopting you. Then, after you move in with them, imagine all the fun you could have with a video camera... :oops:

You see? REALLY hot lesbians getting married and adopting children would be a wonderful thing. The government would need to set up a special panel of judges who allowed only the REALLY hot ones, but it would be worth it in the long run.

Also, no bullying would occur if you were adopted by REALLY hot lesbians - You'd have everyone trying to be your friend in order to gain access to the house.
dan137 said:
Chaz said:
We've had gay stuff around for a while now, so why can't the ordinary face facts and see something that isn't 'a bland shade of gray'? (A.k.a. the norm.)

The main reason, IMO, why the general population can't see gay marrigae as a normal thing is because as a soceity, we've been continuously pounded by the religious concept that being gay is something bad. Unlike divorce which was mentioned above, this isn't something that is condoned by the religions, and the general population (even if they arn't observant) tend to follow the feelings of their religion.
True, and I'm not saying christians can't have their own way. But can't everyone else have thier own way too?
UK is a multicultural society, which means we have lots of different needs/views. We may be united as one island (and Northern Ireland), but we're still split into clans and cults, who have those needs and views.

It's either we should start excepting leway to others, or we should tighten them up. I prefer harmonising over anything, but if we're going to have differculty accepting the differences, then we should give clear guidelines and stricter policies, i.e. accept homosexuality as an equal, or not at all.

Like I've said though, I prefer the harmonising.

And Aion, won't the lesbians have problems from the female perspective? I hear women can be harsher than guys. We punch and growl, they are sneaky and stealthy. That's not from my own experience though so don't quote me.
Aion said:
Chaz said:
Aion said:
The only time I can see myself changing my view on this is if we're talking about REALLY hot lesbians getting married.
Geez! That's short-sighted... I mean, I like to see hot lesbians so I won't question your tastes. ;)

Imagine you're a 13 year old boy in an orphanage. Next, imagine 2 REALLY hot lesbians adopting you. Then, after you move in with them, imagine all the fun you could have with a video camera... :oops:

You see? REALLY hot lesbians getting married and adopting children would be a wonderful thing. The government would need to set up a special panel of judges who allowed only the REALLY hot ones, but it would be worth it in the long run.

Also, no bullying would occur if you were adopted by REALLY hot lesbians - You'd have everyone trying to be your friend in order to gain access to the house.

You've gotta' hand it to the man.

You've truly taken a somewhat faux pas subject (even on a forum to some degree), and taken it into such righteous foresight and consequential enjoyment.

I wish I was hairless and homeless.
I don't really get the marriage/civil thing. Which is a bit confusing as I'm getting married this year! But mine will be civil, despite it being heterosexual.

Anyway I voted #2 but am happy with #1 as well if it doesn't just mean religious union as I thought it might. Marriage/civil union is an entirely human construct and I don't see why it's immune to being updated as culture changes over time. A gay couple with no children is functionally no different to a straight one with no children. All the anal sex comments? No rule saying they have to do that, and no rule saying straight couples don't try it (they often do, in and out of marriage).

On adoption, the ideal is obviously the natural parents (male/female) to give a balanced set of role models but in circumstances where that hasn't worked out (i.e. adoption) I think it far better than a child end up with a single parent or homosexual parents than being bounced around foster families every six weeks or living in an orphanage with no personal love and care.

Just adding to mine as I posted prematurely.

I don't see marriage as a Christian thing as I am well travelled and have attended marriage ceremonies from plenty of religions which not only aren't Christian, but predate it significantly. So I don't particularly feel like justifying my own decisions and those of the gay community acting within the law by arbitrary Christian standards. God will not be invited to my wedding, yet I still consider it a wedding.

Why do I get married as an atheist? I want to be seen legally and socially as part of my partner's family, and he part of mine. Not being kin, even if you have lived together for years, causes problems in all kinds of unexpected places. For example, a friend wasn't able to have any say in his own partner's funeral because they weren't married, even though they were closer than most married couples.

I'd never get married in a church though if that was the only way; it seems irrelevant. I don't really understand say, gay Catholics, wanting a Catholic wedding. That just seems odd to me as the church itself pretty much officially hates them. I couldn't follow a religion which looked down on me (and many do, as I was born female). It seems there are less archaic options around for being allowed to have your faith and freedom too without the guilt complex.

Aion said:
Question: CG, are you gay?

I'm honestly not trying to be offensive: I guessed you were either homosexual or bisexual a while back. Every homosexual anime forum person I've ran into seems to type excessively and come across a little feminine in their posting style. You creating a thread that's connected to homosexuality has made me curious enough to want to know the truth.

I don't know why you're "curious",it's certainly not "offensive" ... but, yes, I am gay :] Strange that you should guess that from my writing style ...

My reasoning for this is my firm belief that the male exit hole should remain an exit hole.

You're not being serious ... are you? :s Gay sex is just as old as straight sex, you know! ;]

dan137 said:
I don't really care to be honest about gay marriage. I mean if 2 people love each other enough to get married, then go get married.

Yeah, I really don't understand why more people don't share your opinion. It's not like gay people getting married affects straight people at all.

Though like sy, ive never seen the big deal in getting married

Marriage is important because of all the legal benefits it infers.

However, I do not like the idea of homesexuals getting married so they can adopt children. Society (as PC as we try to be) is not ready for kids with gay parents, and all it will lead to is an incredibly amount of hardship for that child through his childhood (due to bullying/teasing etc). Marriage is fine by me, but marriage with kids is a whole other story

It's nice to see that the only reason people are opposed to gay adoption is because of the bullying the child might have to endure. Personally, I think gay couples should be allowed adopt, because if we don't start normalising gay parenting, then it'll never be normal.

Gacha makes a very good point:
Gacha said:
If children are getting bullied becuase there loving family is a little diffrent from the conventinal then it's up to society as a while to teach them other wise.
Got to remember kids once got bullied for there parents splitting up(now a days it's the normal).

Kurogane said:
Also, two dudes shacking up and copulating like neutered dogs isn't the same as the two traditional marriage candidates, so why should their marriage be treated the same?

So, do you think that straight couples who use contraception, heterosexual couples who cannot conceive because of medical reasons, older couples no longer able to conceive and couples who take measures to stop conception (for example, a male vasectomy) and thus "copulate like neutered dogs" should be denied marriage too?

Rui said:
I don't really understand say, gay Catholics, wanting a Catholic wedding. That just seems odd to me as the church itself pretty much officially hates them. I couldn't follow a religion which looked down on me (and many do, as I was been born female). It seems there are less archaic options around for being allowed to have your faith and freedom too without the guilt complex.

Yeah, I don't really understand how gay people can call themselves Catholics. I suppose it's important that they do, though. If they just ignored the Church, there'd be no pressure for it to change.
CitizenGeek said:
Kurogane said:
Also, two dudes shacking up and copulating like neutered dogs isn't the same as the two traditional marriage candidates, so why should their marriage be treated the same?

So, do you think that straight couples who use contraception, heterosexual couples who cannot conceive because of medical reasons, older couples no longer able to conceive and couples who take measures to stop conception (for example, a male vasectomy) and thus "copulate like neutered dogs" should be denied marriage too?

You can try and justify this by the smallest common denominator, freak accidents and scenarios, and self mutilation (majorly incurred voluntarily), then you're heading up **** creek my friend- no pun intended.

The fact is, two men uniting aren't the same as a man and a women; they're just not, therefore eliminating the traditional idealogy behind marriage.

Two guys could cross swords and live together, but they shouldn't be eligible candidates for marriage. For adopting a cat or two? Sure, but not marriage.