Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction, Shounen
Age rating: Mature (May contain sex, drugs, and extreme graphic violence)
Plot Summary: In the future, Japan is a wasteland. In the Great Kanto Desert, scattered humans eke out a living in the hot sand. Among them, a short-statued man they call "Sunabozu" makes a living as a bounty hunter. Like a demon of the sand, he seems unbeatable. Yet, like all men, he has a particular weakness for the opposite sex...
Information taken from anime news network, anyone watched this series? I think its great, never heard of it before and I just came across it and found a hidden gem if you will. As for a bounty hunter, that is incorrect, he is a "Handyman" and will do anything for the right price. Basically the anime flows him around the desert as he does odd jobs within the constant struggle for survival in the desert.