For ages now there has been a listing on IMDB, in English (not 'Desu Note'), for a new Death Note release in 2010. Because there have already been three Japanese live-action flicks, the first two covering the manga story and the third being 100% filler, it's doubtful that it's going to be a Japanese release. I think it's actually been confirmed that it is in fact an American production.
There have been a fair few rumours about it, the most amusing being this: ... confirmed/
My question is, what do you expect - fail or win; better than the failure of a first live-action Death Note film?
I really, really don't know what to think. I'm quite interested in it because it's most likely going to be Death Note in name alone - names will have to be changed and cultral differences edited out, and all of the original dialogue will most likely be replaced with lesser quality chatter. As a Death Note adaptation, I fully expect it to fail, like pretty much every Hollywood adaptation does, but I do also think it might turn out to be an interesting American take on a Japanese story.
If it's any worse than the first Japanese attempt then I'll cry - that much I do know. While the sequel was actually pretty good, changing a lot for the better and including a better ending than the proper story, the first managed to transform the best section of the story into 5-6/10 crappiness. Even the Americans will struggle to ****-up more than the Japanese did with moralistic Light and a filler girlfriend for him to be lovey dovey with.
There have been a fair few rumours about it, the most amusing being this: ... confirmed/
My question is, what do you expect - fail or win; better than the failure of a first live-action Death Note film?
I really, really don't know what to think. I'm quite interested in it because it's most likely going to be Death Note in name alone - names will have to be changed and cultral differences edited out, and all of the original dialogue will most likely be replaced with lesser quality chatter. As a Death Note adaptation, I fully expect it to fail, like pretty much every Hollywood adaptation does, but I do also think it might turn out to be an interesting American take on a Japanese story.
If it's any worse than the first Japanese attempt then I'll cry - that much I do know. While the sequel was actually pretty good, changing a lot for the better and including a better ending than the proper story, the first managed to transform the best section of the story into 5-6/10 crappiness. Even the Americans will struggle to ****-up more than the Japanese did with moralistic Light and a filler girlfriend for him to be lovey dovey with.