Death Note live-action movies licensed by Viz Media USA

DaNiMe-sama said:
Not really. The whole point is to dicuss things. Some people just like to take it a step further and come out with totally irrational and sometimes just downright stupid comments.
Yeah, some people take it further, but no one tries to counter his arguement. ;/
Lupus Inu said:
I never said Yaoi was IN Death Note by Obata or Ohba, but it's fan made, and that soon materialated into many people believing that crap was in the series, thus spawning mindless fangirls, by the thousands, Madhouse responded to this by giving in some fanservice of LxLight, and the rest is history.

No matter what gets popular, there's always going to be people that will warp it to suit their desires with heterosexual, gay and lesbian relationships being imagined and expressed through drawings and fiction and put on the internets. It happens, but it does not make anime like Death Note 'bad'.

Also, to think homo-eroticsm is just a tool to satisfy 'fangirls' is a bit naive, I think.
CitizenGeek said:
No matter what gets popular, there's always going to be people that will warp it to suit their desires with heterosexual, gay and lesbian relationships being imagined and expressed through drawings and fiction and put on the internets.
Yeah, but it's always going to be the next level with DN fans, I assume you've not been to the fail of Gaia Online forums and seen the true carnage at first hand? Topic title "Death Note is awesome" First post "L and Light pairings are so, SO hot. <3"

CitizenGeek said:
It happens, but it does not make anime like Death Note 'bad'.
Yeah, I know, the creators make Death Note bad. Ooooh. Oh no I didn't. D:

CitizenGeek said:
Also, to think homo-eroticsm is just a tool to satisfy 'fangirls' is a bit naive, I think.
No, not really, it really does work.
Lupus Inu said:
Yeah, but it's always going to be the next level with DN fans, I assume you've not been to the fail of Gaia Online forums and seen the true carnage at first hand? Topic title "Death Note is awesome" First post "L and Light pairings are so, SO hot. <3"

No, I haven't been to Gaia Online - but you know, I don't actually think it's compulsory to see this "carnage" in order to make your mind on Death Note.

Yeah, I know, the creators make Death Note bad. Ooooh. Oh no I didn't. D:

But, you haven't actually given a single reason as to why Death Note is bad. You've just complained about the 'yaoi pairings' - something that has nothing to do with Death Note. Even if 'gay-ness' irks you so much, it's not like there's a lot of homoerotic scenes in the DN anime (I can only count 1!).

Death Note was fantastic, and I don't think I could find any flaws with it even if I tried.
CitizenGeek said:
No, I haven't been to Gaia Online - but you know, I don't actually think it's compulsory to see this "carnage" in order to make your mind on Death Note.
Then you won't be getting a prime example/full picture of the idea, EVER.

CitizenGeek said:
But, you haven't actually given a single reason as to why Death Note is bad. You've just complained about the 'yaoi pairings' - something that has nothing to do with Death Note. Even if 'gay-ness' irks you so much, it's not like there's a lot of homoerotic scenes in the DN (I can only count 1!).
I'll probably get flamed for this. ;/
Death Note is a sub-par mildly entertaining detective shounen series, while some people think it's amazing, it was nothing great to be honest, sure it had some "interesting" concepts, but don't most Shounen manga? And the time-skip part of the series is big time CRAP. The Yaoi pairings have nothing to do with Death Note...? They have EVERYTHING to do with Death Note, as without Death Note I wouldn't go on about them like this. Don't make me post some. It doesn't matter how many you can count in the series, what matters is that it exists, that alone is reason enough to argue to the death.

CitizenGeek said:
Death Note was fantastic, and I don't think I could find any flaws with it even if I tried.

... lol. Volumes 8-12, massive flaw right there.
Lupus Inu said:
sure it had some "interesting" concepts, but don't most Shounen manga?

No, they don't :s

Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Detective Conan etc. - I love all of these series, but none of them have concepts that would actually make me properly think. Do you honestly believe that series like that have concepts that would make you think like Death Note can?

And the time-skip part of the series is big time CRAP.


The Yaoi pairings have nothing to do with Death Note...? They have EVERYTHING to do with Death Note, as without Death Note I wouldn't go on about them like this.


So, if I go on to deviantART now and put together some crude, cheap yaoi pairing invloving characters from 20th Centuary Boys and then convince lots of other people to do the same thing, 20th Centuary Boys yaoi pairings will have "EVERYTHING" to do with that manga? That's basically your logic and as you can see: makes no sense.

Don't make me post some. It doesn't matter how many you can count in the series, what matters is that it exists, that alone is reason enough to argue to the death.

That just appears like juvenile homophobia, really. Yes, there was one scene with homoerotic overtones involving Light and L - so what? It's not like it's done in a mindless way and it certainly doesn't appear to be targetted at yaoi fangirls (which, in any case, isn't that big of a market!).

... lol. Volumes 8-12, massive flaw right there.

I'm talking about the anime. And the second part of the anime is actually rather good, I think I even prefer it to the first part. People assume that because the second half of the manga was over-complicated dross, the anime is the same thing. This is not the case.
CitizenGeek said:
No, they don't :s

Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Detective Conan etc. - I love all of these series, but none of them have concepts that would actually make me properly think. Do you honestly believe that series like that have concepts that would make you think like Death Note can?

How many series have Devil Fruits, how many series have Zanpuktous? Don't care for either Case Closed or Naruto, so I won't bother with them. Besides, how many series has Death God's/references to Death God's... I wonder.

CitizenGeek said:
Crappy story telling, lack of effort put into time skip, overall sloppy presentation of story nothing as good as part 1, Near and Mello... who're these losers? ;/

CitizenGeek said:

So, if I go on to deviantART now and put together some crude, cheap yaoi pairing invloving characters from 20th Centuary Boys and then convince lots of other people to do the same thing, 20th Centuary Boys will have "EVERYTHING" to do with that manga? That's basically your logic and as you can see: makes no sense.

Lulz, if you did find/make 20th Century Boys Yaoi that would be mega lulz, too bad the series is too good to get Yaoi [though it probably exists somewhere on the internet... >___>] Wait, what? 20th Century Boys will have everything to do with the manga? Of course it will, and that does make sense.

CitizenGeek said:
That just appears like juvenile homophobia, really. Yes, there was one scene with homoerotic overtones involving Light and L - so what? It's not like it's done in a mindless way and it certainly doesn't appear to be targetted at yaoi fangirls (which, in any case, isn't that big of a market!).
No, not really, I'm just sick of the crap I see about Death Note, um, what? You're not getting it, at all, a lot of DN fans are mindless Yaoi fangirls, and that type of subtle Yaoi crap does appeal to the market, hence why Death Note is so popular, in all honesty I've met around... 10 people who like Death Note for the story, and a few hundred who liked it for the pairings. What does this show?

CitizenGeek said:
I'm talking about the anime. And the second part of the anime is actually rather good, I think I even prefer it to the first part. People assume that because the second half of the manga was over-complicated dross, the anime is the same thing. This is not the case.
No, it really wasn't, WHAT!? You prefer it to the first part? Wow, mayn, I'm suprised, you really do like epic fail, see above why the time-skip sucked; badly.
I can see where your both coming from. "IMO", death Note is a good series and I still enjoy reading watching it. On there other hand there is a bit of a problem with the Yaoi thing...I know it's not official and is no affiliated with the artists but it ALWAYS comes up. Take the telford expo for example. Death Note was rated the best manga(or something like that) and after L and Light cosplayers were on the stage... the "gay-bar" song had came on and they started Acting the part of the characters only
a gay(<literally)version of them.
Lupus Inu said:
CitizenGeek said:
I'm talking about the anime. And the second part of the anime is actually rather good, I think I even prefer it to the first part. People assume that because the second half of the manga was over-complicated dross, the anime is the same thing. This is not the case.
No, it really wasn't, WHAT!? You prefer it to the first part? Wow, mayn, I'm suprised, you really do like epic fail, see above why the time-skip sucked; badly.

You do know that the manga to anime transition is almost impeccable, substituting the last episode.
And just for the record (again). I Like L slightly more, But I Still find the second half of DN very good storytelling, For a Jump manga at least.

Lastly, Nothing in DN is really really thought provocative, The writing just makes it seem like it is.
Jayme said:
You do know that the manga to anime transition is almost impeccable, substituting the last episode.
What does this have to do with anything I've just said? ;/

I'm talking about the manga, I don't really care about the anime, and I know how the faithful it was, since it was by Madhouse.

Jayme said:
And just for the record (again). I Like L slightly more, But I Still find the second half of DN very good storytelling, For a Jump manga at least.
Too bad I don't.

Jayme said:
Lastly, Nothing in DN is really really thought provocative, The writing just makes it seem like it is.
This guy is a winna.
Jayme said:
Lastly, Nothing in DN is really really thought provocative, The writing just makes it seem like it is.

Nonsense, if you don't find the concept of a 'Death Note' in the hands of a human to be food for thought, then you're really just not trying to think. Death Note doesn't force you to think about things, but the interesting concepts are there.
The most interesting aspect of Death Note for me was the way the story unfolded. The twists and turns were interesting and these was always a great deal of suspense. 90% of the time it was genuinely adge of your seat stuff. Examples being that L revealed his face to Light but he couldn't do anything about it. I thought it was solidly written. The story concept for sure is an interesting one but the detective elements are what kept me watching. It's like Columbo in a way. You know who the killer is from the start but what's interesting is finding out how the detective can prove it.

Lupus is right about the fanbase though, most don't seem to apprecate it past the fact that they can imagine L and Light getting dirty. It brings the series down in a way because if you've ever been on a Death Note forum then there are swarms of fans pairing the characters up in every instance they can. I doubt a lot of them even take a guniune interest in the series other than the yoai factor.

Getting back to the movies though. They are poorly directed and acted but i'm sure it will make the fangirls go 'eeee L and Light are soo kawaiiii!'. Bloody hell... is all I have to say to that.
Lupus Inu said:
CitizenGeek said:
Death Note doesn't force you to think about things, but the interesting concepts are there.
Can I have some prime examples of these concepts, dawg?

Power corrupts is the obvious one. Light's objective in itself isn't evil, but his questionable methods leave you to wonder whether or not it's right to murder for the sake of peace. In killing others, he becomes a criminal himself, and as he's gradually overcome by arrogance, he loses sight of goal. Essentially then, would the Death Note work in the hands of someone who isn't so self-obsessed? Is such a power too much of a burden for mankind? How does this all apply to real life, perhaps it's a subtle critique of the death penalty? Or vigilantism?

I can't really fathom the mind of people who don't think Death Note is thought provoking. As I've already said, it's an intelligent and enthralling story that's clearly been concentrated on questioning the meaning of "justice" in an objective world. If you watch or read this story and it doesn't make you think about things then you need to try harder.

Also, the Yotsuba arc in the first part of Death Note was the worst out of the entire series. Light behind chained to L for so long was like a stupid sitcom. In comparison, the second half after the time-skip was just fine and a logical way to end the series; and the ending itself was one of the best ever, though from what I've read, I think I prefer the manga rendition to the anime.
Lupus Inu said:
CitizenGeek said:
Also, to think homo-eroticsm is just a tool to satisfy 'fangirls' is a bit naive, I think.
No, not really, it really does work.
It does work, but it isn't only to satisfy the fangirls. Berserk has a bit of a homo-erotic streak, and also Devilman if you look hard enough - not exactly the kinds of shows which gather lots of female fans (although CLAMP did do a Devilman doujinshi back in the day!).

Can't say I noticed much of it going on in Death Note, but then I was too busy enjoying reading the thing. Light loves himself too much to give a damn about anyone else from what I can see.

I've only read the first 3 volumes so no idea what happens later on though. *regrets reading the spoiler* :lol:
Considering only the first few volumes of the Manga have actually been released in the UK so far it'll be a long way off. I know not many people agree but I only buy UK released material because otherwise the industry wont grow here. Like some people earlier said they want the industry to grow though I don't remember Akira being popular here beyond the people that already knew about it. It's only the franchises that are popular here (but not popular enough so that 90% of the fan base already owns the series before it's actually released) that will help the availability of Anime and Manga in the uk.

Personally I like Death note but the characters I've seen cosplayed from it aren't even in the volumes I've been able to read yet.

DaNiMe-sama said:
Would you like to look at a cast of revolting looking characters?
(Actually, it'd probably be quite a good idea for a show, but anyway)
I read Initial D but that aint for looking at the characters. The artist really seems to have difficulty with drawing people.
I didn't realise not all the volumes had been released in the UK yet! I bought most of mine in 'Forbidden Planet' so assume now they import the books...

With the English dub going underway in America very soon I hope it isn't too long until the anime release in the UK and then maybe they'll release a region 2 version of the 'live action' films?
fullmetalrose said:
I didn't realise not all the volumes had been released in the UK yet! I bought most of mine in 'Forbidden Planet' so assume now they import the books...
Yea they do. Though my local store still only has up to volume 4-5 by now I'd guess. It had volume 3 before volume 2 had been released.

I realised when Tokyopop was announcing their release of Angel cup at a ReCon and I already had up to volume 4. :? Got each volume for only £2.99 aswell.

As far as I can tell, they dont import Anime. Their release dates match the uk schedule.

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