CitizenGeek said:
No, they don't :s
Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Detective Conan etc. - I love all of these series, but none of them have concepts that would actually make me properly think. Do you honestly believe that series like that have concepts that would make you think like Death Note can?
How many series have Devil Fruits, how many series have Zanpuktous? Don't care for either Case Closed or Naruto, so I won't bother with them. Besides, how many series has Death God's/references to Death God's... I wonder.
CitizenGeek said:
Crappy story telling, lack of effort put into time skip, overall sloppy presentation of story nothing as good as part 1, Near and Mello... who're these losers? ;/
CitizenGeek said:
So, if I go on to deviantART now and put together some crude, cheap yaoi pairing invloving characters from 20th Centuary Boys and then convince lots of other people to do the same thing, 20th Centuary Boys will have "EVERYTHING" to do with that manga? That's basically your logic and as you can see: makes no sense.
Lulz, if you did find/make 20th Century Boys Yaoi that would be mega lulz, too bad the series is too good to get Yaoi [though it probably exists somewhere on the internet... >___>] Wait, what? 20th Century Boys will have everything to do with the manga? Of course it will, and that does make sense.
CitizenGeek said:
That just appears like juvenile homophobia, really. Yes, there was one scene with homoerotic overtones involving Light and L - so what? It's not like it's done in a mindless way and it certainly doesn't appear to be targetted at yaoi fangirls (which, in any case, isn't that big of a market!).
No, not really, I'm just sick of the crap I see about Death Note, um, what? You're not getting it, at all, a lot of DN fans are mindless Yaoi fangirls, and that type of subtle Yaoi crap does appeal to the market, hence why Death Note is so popular, in all honesty I've met around... 10 people who like Death Note for the story, and a few hundred who liked it for the pairings. What does this show?
CitizenGeek said:
I'm talking about the anime. And the second part of the anime is actually rather good, I think I even prefer it to the first part. People assume that because the second half of the manga was over-complicated dross, the anime is the same thing. This is not the case.
No, it really wasn't, WHAT!? You prefer it to the first part? Wow, mayn, I'm suprised, you really do like epic fail, see above why the time-skip sucked; badly.