ilmaestro said:
So I take it you haven't bought any video game consoles ever, then? anything from iTunes? A DVD player? A Sky Sports subscription?
And Chu-bra!! is available in the UK, if you read carefully I'm making the point that it's the one that's arguably not very good.
But either way, I wouldn't be surprised if the people who made excuses before would continue to make excuses, that's all they'll ever do.
Now you're the one looking for holes, I'll admit to the ChuBra and Black Jack issues being resolved but it's still not everything and as such the price that CR is asking for, it being the same as the US, is still unacceptable. In fact, until all it's shows are available, the US Price will allways be unacceptable.
Video Game consoles are a different matter altogether, I can waltz into a store and buy whatever game I wish, even JRPGs are getting released in the UK regularly and the ones that don't (Persona PSP for example) are region free anyway and can be bought at the local independent store, of which there's at least two in Glasgow at the very least.
One can't waltz into HMV and buy Slam Dunk.
The Sky Sports analogy is wrong, you pay 100% of what Sky is asking to be able to watch 100% of what Sky is offering in it's sport's package. The analogy would be correct if you paid 100% for the package but didn't get, say, sky sports 3, because you lived in Wales or something.
If you want to support business practices that ensure that you are treated like a philistine based on where you live, go ahead.
Just don't expect me to follow in your footsteps into the bad future.