I'm just amazed it's on cbbc at all. Obviously I haven't watched it in years but I never imagined they would want a show like that even when censored. citv maybe but cbbc turned down sesame street because they didn't think it was a good show for education and now they've got a show that years ago they wouldn't have put on because as a public broadcaster they would have been scared of parents complaining about the violence and would have much rather left that to the public sector.
Still in will be funny seeing young kids watch this ask there parents for the dvd/blu-ray only for the parents to find there to young for it.
What am I saying kids don't watch discs anymore.
I seem to remember Sesame Street aired on Channel 4 in the UK when I was a kid? (I'm 33 now so this would have been in the 90s). I could be mistaken though.