Create the perfect RPG!

No, this isn't a thread about RPG Maker, although that's certainly a worthy topic. Basically, it's a gathering together of several hollow thread ideas into one.

Firstly, do you prefer a classic rpg style world map, or a connecting world of locations?

Secondly, do you prefer random encounters, or field encounters?

Thirdly, would you rather tradional levelling up or an other system (in which case, specify?

Forthly, what type of battle system do you prefer?

The setting - tradional medieval fantasy, space-voyaging sci-fi, or else

And finally, do you prefer linear, story and character-based RPGs, or more expansive but less plot heavy customizable games?

What of the above options would you choose to make your perfect RPG?

For me:

1) I've always loved the world map, no matter how terrible it looks, but the idea of exploring grassy meadows in the game's standard graphics as opposed to a down-graded world map has finally caught on with me.

2) I far prefer field encounters, where the enemy doesn't appear out of nothing; you have a chance to avoid the enemy that way.

3) I do prefer systems where it is a simple progression - while complex customization can be fun, it does sometimes lose its novetly after a while.

4) I like a battle system that is tactical at large, yet manages to be fun at the same time; my favourite battle system is from the recent Digital Devil Saga, which is at the moment my favourite game.

5) I can love any type of setting, but steampunk, 19th century-based setting have always been my favourite, partially because they are not covered often and it's always a joyous ocassion to see a such a game released.

6) I play RPGs as much for the plot and the characters as for the gameplay, so having a scripted story is vital for me, with only a few exceptions.
1) As long as it's well laid out, I'm quite fond of a world map, even if it just a "join the dots to different locations" one. That being said, I'm not all that bothered if there isn't a world map, just as long as there's a way to quickly get from one place to another later on in the game without slogging through the same old dungeons again and again (Legend of Dragoon, anyone?)

2) Field encounters for the most part, so that I can avoid battle if I want to...just as long as the field isn't crawling with monsters that always head straight for you a la Saga Frontier 2.

3) Straight levelling up works for me, but I find the process of fighting random battles to level up pretty tedious, I'd rather have something like Suikoden where the game keeps you pretty much at the level you need to be by giving you huge EXP for stronger enemies and practically nothing for weaker opponents.

4) Definitely a battle system with some kind of tactical edge, otherwise you might as well select 'Attack' blindly each turn without caring. I do have a liking for the Grandia series and FFX-2 systems where you can see who's going next and plan accordingly, or battle systems where can pull of combo attacks with multiple characters.

5) I like a variety of settings, so anything will do as long as it isn't too heavy on the spaceships or indoor levels, they always look so dull and utilitarian

6) I like there to be a decent storyline, preferably with the ability to pause and skip cutscenes as desired...however I must admit to getting a bit fidgety during certain points of the storyline-heavy Xenosaga, even though I loved the game overall. And of course .hack wouldn't have been the same without the storyline
1) The world map, I think, just gives more freedom to a player. It also eliminates that sense that the game is controlling every aspect of what you do and makes you become more involved in your surroundings, making it more "real".

2) Personally, I like random encounters. Again, it's a reality thing - in the real world people and things DO pop up out of nowhere and if you're not prepared its game over. They can get really friggin annoying after a while though...

3) Seeing as I can't think of any other system, I'd have to say levelling up works - don't fix something that isn't broken. It would be good if the character changes in more ways as the level builds though instead of just power.

4) A system that's simple to learn, but difficult to master.

5) Doesn't matter when exactly - just needs a variety of landscapes.

6) I love the characters in RPGs, although sometimes a linear storyline leaves me a little bored. Often wandering around waiting for a cutscene can get really tiring. Things like MMORPGs where you kind of create your own storyline are more appealing to me. Also, when you can climb to the top of a mountain and actually get a view - now that's just awesome!
1) Do you prefer a classic rpg style world map, or a connecting world of locations?
I do like a good world map, but sometimes a connecting map is better - it transports you straight to the location without the hassle of random battles. A world map forces you to level up, so it just depends!

2) Do you prefer random encounters, or field encounters?
Again, it depends on the RPG. Random battles make you level up. Field encounters are good when you can't be bothered fighting.

3) Would you rather tradional levelling up or an other system in which case, specify?
I like the system they use in the Shin Megami Tensei games. You control how much 'points' to put up on the parameters. It gives you a little more freedom that way. But old-skool is fine with me too!

4) What type of battle system do you prefer?
I'm fond of Grandia's battle system - the IP bars, the skill usage and even magic. It's a perfect traditional RPG set up! I like Star Ocean: Till The End of Time for being different, all out action - certainly wouldn't bore you out anytime soon!

5) The Setting
This is where Star Ocean 3 does a phail.
It's supposed to be futuristic which I love in games - mordern day+ is cool! But no, SO3 puts you to a backwards world which is boring.
I like 1337 gameworlds, not the drab medevial-backwater planets!

6) Do you prefer linear, story and character-based RPGs, or more expansive but less plot heavy customizable games?
I like RPGS with epic-porpotion storylines and dramatic scenes like Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga and Final Fantasy VIII. However, some games are very linear but fun to play like Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana.

I like most RPGs really - as long as they are better than Suikoden IV. :wink:
Firstly, do you prefer a classic rpg style world map, or a connecting world of locations?
1. World map for me. I love going from place to place on the world map and I just adore going around and around in an air ship. It also gives the world more of a planet feel and makes it feel bigger. Interlocking worlds, like the Baten Kaitos world, just get boring and seem so close, the world needs to seem spaced where places can be ralated by continent or individual if they're not around any other places.

Secondly, do you prefer random encounters, or field encounters?
2. I prefer field encounters. Mainly this is because you can tell what you're going to battle and if you're in a rush you don't have to fight. Random encounters can be soooo annoying. More than one time I've been stuck on a game and have had to go back to my back-up save (usually saved before a major quest starts) all because I can't get past many random encounters or maybe that I need full health and for a boss and I don't have any MP or items, this happened in Midgar when fighting Hojo.

Thirdly, would you rather tradional levelling up or an other system (in which case, specify?

3. Tradional levelling, no doubt. I love the simple ways of levelling up, what's the point in making it complicated? I mean FFX was just stupid. My favourite system would be simple levelling where you learn spells and stuff as you level.

Forthly, what type of battle system do you prefer?

4. I really don't mind about the battle system, I like card RPG's, I like turn based, I like real time. It doesn't affect my choice in RPG.

The setting - tradional medieval fantasy, space-voyaging sci-fi, or else
5. Fantasy, really, I don't really like sci-fi but usual fantasy like in Tales of Symphonia or FFIX.

And finally, do you prefer linear, story and character-based RPGs, or more expansive but less plot heavy customizable games?
6. I love customizable characters, Evergrace, for example, had great character dress up thing, it was so cool but the game sucked. ^^;; I like some sidequests in a game but too many is just stupid. FFVII, for example has the correct amount in my opinion.
Firstly, do you prefer a classic rpg style world map, or a connecting world of locations?

i think it depends on the game itself i really loved morrowind (cant wait for oblivion) but world maps are also good i would like a game where its all one big world but theres an option for faster travel using a world map.

Secondly, do you prefer random encounters, or field encounters?

ive never been overly keen on random encounters for games like tale of symphonia and Grandia i like to avoid certain enemys untill i have the strength or spells to take them on without knowing theres a 40-60 chance ill die unless i use potions and heal every turn untill i run out or the enemy slips up.

Thirdly, would you rather tradional levelling up or an other system (in which case, specify?

i quite liked the leveling system from Dungeon siege where you would advance the more you used a certain skill, it was the same in morrowing but more skills and depending on what skills you increased during that level you could pick stats based on it. say you leveled archery up they means you would have an option to level up dexterity, and the more you level up the skills for a certain stat the more you can level that stat when its time to level up. :)

Forthly, what type of battle system do you prefer?

i love Turn based games where you can have a think about what you are going to do but i often find myself button bashing through menus just to attack and attack no matter what i wanted to do (happend alot for me in suikoden 4) even tho morrowind is one of my fav RPGs and thats a first person RPG i still prefer turn based :)

The setting - tradional medieval fantasy, space-voyaging sci-fi, or else

Traditional Medieval fantasy without a doubt

And finally, do you prefer linear, story and character-based RPGs, or more expansive but less plot heavy customizable games?

im not overly keen on linear storys, i do like a good story but sometimes i quite like to go off and do something else like mini quests or mini games or explore areas ive been to see if i missed anything.

What of the above options would you choose to make your perfect RPG?

for me the Story makes the game without the story all you would end up with is street fighter or tetris.
1. I like both, they both have certain strengths I.e you know where you are in the world and where you are going next, or connecting worlds because it is less time consuming and usually alot less hassle to get to.

2. Random Encounters ARE a pain but all part of the RPG experience, i wouldnt change them in RPGs if i had the choice but it would be nice to have field encounters i guess.

3. I loved the traditional levelling up because it was easy and simple and you had a clear cut target to get to, we other systems its more complex but does add diversity to the game, erm i preder traditional i think.
Forthly, what type of battle system do you prefer?

4. Medieval fantasy is a bit of a weird way to describe it but yea anything in the style of Final Fantasy games, medieval weapons and sci-fi weapons and settings work great together.

5. i like a deap plot with many plot twists and turns with small subplots but not ones that confuse me if its a good sub plot then why isnt it included into the main story?

Basically i like an RPG on the lines of Final Fantasy :D