Crazy world of Chocolat & Faking your way into fan clubs

Hello Everyone

I've been reading Chocolat, volume 4, which is a Korean manwha series about a girl who fakes her way into a fan club for a band she doesn't like, in order to meet her real idols. (Both bands always seem to appear on the same TV shows!) It's a very funny series and I was wondering what other people thought of the series, as I know there are a few fans in this forum.

Also, I was wondering what crazy things people have done in order to meet their idols. I've done a few but.... Shhh.... I won't reveal them yet! :wink:

Over to you,

M.G xx
McIcy -

Hello You! :D

Not many people know about it. It's about a girl called Kum-Ji, who lives for this band called DDL. However, she can't join the fanclub as they already have too many members (she became a fan too late) so she decides to join the fan club of an up and coming band called Yo-i, becoming a fan club officer so that she can go backstage and help out at TV appearances. All so that she can get close to Jin, the lead rapper of DDL who always seems to appear on the same shows as Yo-i. Ofcourse, her plan majorly backfires when the lead singer of Yo-i stumbles across her secret and blackmails her. And things get mighty interesting from there on...

There's this really funny scene where she does meet her idol but when she tries to remember it later, she can't remember anything. (And strangely, I've had the same thing happen to me when I met my idol!) It's a really funny comedy, and it reminds me of my music fandom days. If you Google 'Ice Kunion' the publisher, you can read the first few chapters on their preview pages online.

M.G xx
Just finished reading the online samples of this quality manga and Oh yes it has definately worked for me, I love it. Found the mangas on and so will be ordering them sometime this weekend :D

I love the main character Kum-Ji she rocks and also E-Soh the guy who keeps black-mailing her. But I wanna see more ofthe DDL fan boy 'Pretty Boy Jin' and I am really looking forward to vol. 4 as I wanna know more about the weird chick Wu-Hee from Yo-I.

Theres something special about this manga that seems to work really well, I know technically its a reverse harem with the main character being female and being surrounded by multiple guys (each with there own unique style and personality), but it really works well. The plot of her sneaking into a fan club of a band she has no real interest in just to get close to her idols presents so many interesting aspects. Theres the fans of Yo-i (the band she is pretending to like) who hate her as she is a 'no-body' but gets to hang out with them all the time, theres the DDL (the band she actually likes) fans who hate her because they see Yo-i as the rivals (and I really do mean hate to the point of violence... on both sides).

I love the characters too, they each have there own very unique identity and although some would argue this is true about all harem characters I find some of them to be refreshing as it is seen from the 'fan/idol' perspective and also the more common 'love/hate/annoy' storyline.

I am really looking forward to reading the 4 volumes currently out and seeing how the story and characters progress.

Cheers for the suggestion M.G. :D x
McIcy -

You're welcome...

Reverse harem? LOL- never heard it descibed like that before. The manga was written for teenagers, but speaking as a supposed-to-be grown up, I have enjoyed this series immensely.

Pretty Boy Jin is my favourite character, he makes a rather wonderful entrance in book 2, it never fails to make me laugh! And Jin, is actually a rather cool idol, he's pretty laid back about the attention he gets. Just how does he know E-Wan anyway?

The chocolate world is rather amazing, and you touched on it perfectly. The way Yo-i fans hate her because she gets close to the band. But also how DDL fans look down on Yo-i and their fans as being wannabes. And how the YO-i fanclub hate Kum-Ji because they think she got in through family contacts. I like the way most of the guys in Yo-i have pretty faces, but really ugly personalities. It's really quite amusing.

I got a Yo-i poster with volume 4, and i put it up on my wall. So now i'm a fangirl of a band which doesn't exist... but who cares! :p

M.g xx
Wasn’t sure how I’d take to the whole fan-idol-boyband scenario, specially as listening to any boyband is the last thing you'd catch me doing, but it only took reading through the vol.1 preview (some preview at 125 pages!) on Ice Kunion to realise how much fun it is.
I resisted reading any further volume previews as I know I’ll get round to picking this up eventually and enjoy it fully :D
What I'll do with the vol.4 Yo-i poster I really don't know :shock:

(Yet another title on my every growing list of manga I’m struggling to afford!)

Thing is, I went to school with a generation of kids who were into boybands like Westlife and Backstreet Boys and I never really got the whole boyband thing either.

But Chocolat focuses on the Korean music scene, which gives it an interesting twist. But if you can get past the boyband label, you are in for a real treat! Like Kum-Ji, I've also done the whole gigging, waiting hours to catch a glimpse of your idols thing, living, breathing music... and I'm amazed at how accurate the manga artists have captured music fandom culture.

LOL - Go on, you know you want to put up the poster!

(Just teasing..) :wink:

M.G xx
Squishee Hippo -

Yes, tell us what you think of Volume one and we can start a discussion about it.

- Whats your favourite character?
-Whats your favourite scene?
- And that all important question, who gets your vote - DDL or Yo-i?

Loving your avatar by the way. Made me go awe... :p

M.G xx
OMG – talking of boybands, probably pretty hard to miss who’s come back from the dead to haunt us – surely the mother of all (well at least from the mid-90s infestation) – Take That! :shock:

Thing is; that’s a real catchy single they have out - you have to admire Gary Barlow’s song writing skills…
…somebody shoot me now!

(sorry, straying off topic slightly :roll: )
Jimi-Jam said:
OMG – talking of boybands, probably pretty hard to miss who’s come back from the dead to haunt us – surely the mother of all (well at least from the mid-90s infestation) – Take That! :shock:

Thing is; that’s a real catchy single they have out - you have to admire Gary Barlow’s song writing skills…
…somebody shoot me now!

(sorry, straying off topic slightly :roll: )

Ah yes Take That: The Inland Revenue Tour........ they must be short of cash again
McIcy -

Ha ha! God, your comment had me in stitches...

So what was your favourite scene in book 1?
Mine was when Kum-Ji attacks E-Soh in the lift, not realising that he's the lead singer of the band she's supposed to like. Only Kum-Ji would do something so stupid.

Jimi-Jam -

We love detours :)

M.g xx

When I read it a few more times, there where times that reminded my slightly of Nana. I really loved the storyline though, mainly I think because it seems like something I would do myself ;D
As to my favourite character, it took me a while to decided on one but in the end I think I ended up with quite a few. I really liked E-Wan and the possible relationship between him and Eun-Sung *_*! I really liked E-Soh too it seems he does have a soft side too! And hes not just an aggrogent jerk! If I had to pick too it would be E-Wan and Jin. I'm curious as to what there past relationship was and why he was crying o.o;

I had so many favourite scenes!
- The fight in the lift
- Jin asking for the lunch box!
- Kum-ji screaming out for DDL while wearing her Yo-I Get up
- The cooking contest
- Kumji, Barbie and E-soh scene

I cant really pick the one I liek the best ;D

My vote =o! Do you have ask!? Why DDL of course! X3

Thank you! <3
Hey Squishee-Hippo

What! E-Wan and Eun Sung :shock: I didn't see that one coming...
Yes that E-wan and Jin scene, I was like "tell me more"
You do find out why E-Wan was crying in book 2.

Oh, Jin asking for the lunch box - that was hysterical. But I loved the way, E-Soh tricks Kum-Ji into revealing she's a DDL fangirl.

I like Yo-i and DDL.

I geuss that makes me a two-timer. But how can anyone not like Jin, he's so cool^^

M.G xx
McIcy - what other parts did you like?

I felt so sorry for Jin, poor guy had a grumbling tummy, and in comes E-Soh taking the lunch boxes. (Being a superstar must be tough^^) LOL!

If that was me, I would so give Jin the lunch boxes.

What I love about this series is they show the story from both sides - the fans and the bands.

Re-read it today, and i'd forgotten about this bit, when they pull up to the buffet restaurant and the staff member says:

"OMG, 15 people can fit in to an 8 seater mini-van."

Pure class.


M.G xx