Count to a Million

16413 things are going good thanks :) i have an interview for the final stage of the fellowship me and my friend are going for on tuesday plus i'm loving every second of S2 of Higurashi Kai :D currently on ep 16
16415 Chaos so far it has answered a lot, there's only a few loose ends i can think of and with 8 eps left there's plenty of time for that :) of course the sad part is that i'm almost finished it and i'll have to find something new to watch :p
@Black - I've noticed you referring to the names of the arcs now - it's a lot easier to understand when you see how it all fits together isn't it?
So by now you must have found out some very interesting things about Rika?
@chaos - hi there, how are you today? let me know what you think of higurashi s2 once things start becoming clearer to you... :D it's seriously one of the best series I've seen so far :)
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16,417 - hey Panda, I'll surely let you know :) If they keep up the good work on S2, this series will make into my top 5 easily. My plans are to marathon the series on saturday.
16418 oh yeah and about Takano...who i want dead (for real this time) Also i noticed that the op changed (not music just some new snippets) after ep 13. I know one of the changes (footage of Rena's cleaver being replaced by a shot of the junkyard) was done because of that incident that happened when it was being aired, but i also saw that a very annoyed looking Hanyuu made an appearance, as well as the part at the end being extended to show who Rika was waving to (all this time i thought she was breaking the fourth wall and waving to me :p )

yeah at first i was wondering what was going to happen but everything is becoming clear and its all beginning to make sesne :)

EDIT: @chaos damn at that rate you'll finish it before me :p although you're going to be running out of shocked expressions before too long :lol:
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16,419 - Don't worry, I won't post spoilers to tempt you to read them (as I did) ;)

Anyway, ever since I moved to London I never had so few anime on my backlog. I've ordered a few, but no sign of them yet. If they won't show up, I will end up re-watching higurashi and maybe a few favourite eps on several animes (such as Kenshin vs saito fight in Samurai X)
@Black - For me, my view of what was happening really changed at the beginning of the massacre arc, when Keiichi starts to remember things that have happened before.
It was at this point that I realised that the whole concept of the series was completely different then I had thought it was, and that, coming almost a series and a half in the run of it, was what has put this at the top of my list of recommendations to everyone.
And yes, I also wanted Takano to die. Painfully. :twisted:

@chaos - Do NOT read the spoilers! Seriously, don't ruin it for yourself! Be strong and resist temptation!! :lol:
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16421 is the Fate Stay Night boxset one of them yet to arrive?

@Panda well techincally Keichi remembered at the end of S1 :wink: Although the massacre arc is so far the highlight of the season the way Keichi and Mion were, especially after bitch Takano shoots him Ah well, Panda have you seen the OVAs?
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BlackWolf said:
16399 Gooood Morrnnnning AUKN! *said like Bill Murray in Good Morning Vietnam*
I'm very busy today but had to point out this obviouse mistake Black made! It's so bad I'm sure it's a trap? It wasn't Bill Murray, it was... *awaits answere*
@voddas - good afternoon :)
@Black - I haven't seen the OVAs. I know of one (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Rei) but I've not seen that available anyway as yet. Are there others I should look out for?
@chaos - ah, I'll stop now, I know how hard it is not to look :). Besides, self-control is highly overrated I think ;)
16428 I know of one where the gang visit that ghost town place first mentioned in the wasting time arc but i'm unsure of the name but there's defintely another one apart from rei. Did you know of the live action movie Panda :p
@Black - Ah not until last night, when I saw it on a site that has j-dramas, so I think I might try and watch that this weekend, not sure whether it's any good tho :D
16431 There's a subbed version out? It's got a sequel coming out this year apparently. Also last piece of Highurashi talk until me and Chaos have fully seen it so we can swap favourite moments and the like :p I've been reading the manga version and there's a part at the beginning where Keichi and his family are on a train back to the village and he can hear a girl's voice saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" At the time i thought he was just hearing another world's Rena saying it but now i know it was Hanyuu

There we go i'm all spoilered out :p But what to watch next...
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I just assumed it was subbed, but I'll check it out and if so I'll PM you a link :)
I really want to re-watch the anime now too after talking about it so much!