Urgh it seems i have to actually excell today....what a drag ¬_¬
have had a backlog of booking forms that where higher than my stapler, which i just went through and sorted the units into piles, found out there's a load in there i have to audit...gunna get it over and done with now so its not soul destroying when i have to do it the start of november. its as high as my keyboard which means im gunna be abit intermittant with the replies.
to my left is 2 folders which need training letters, timesheets and information adding to them and posting out to staff as the training admins on training (irony?) have annual leave calculations which need doing, shifts coming through which i've got a n00b on one of the wards at bedford hospital who insists on calling me to explain she's about to fax over a booking form...sends the booking form with a tag sheet that i send back confirming reciept of booking form....then calls me to make sure i've got it.....and then without putting reason codes on the shifts and not notifying me of updates, just faxing them through when she's added shifts and i sit here with 3 of the same form but with 2 extra shifts on having to decide if its a duplicate or another request, as fox and voddas will know that faxes don't always come through clear... also i'm clamping down on my units and making them put reason codes on shifts otherwise i refuse to action them as a requirement. the shifts for today and the weekend where seen to till the deputy managers at the units decide to have a fleeting moment of an idea and send the forms through at 12 for a shift due to start at 2pm...so i get to give them royal bollockings for it being so late and them not doing their jobs correctly. *sighs* its good being the man

(referrence to school of rock)
but thats not having a moan. its just saying how my days goin lol
actually in a fairly good mood, just nominated myself for the idiots award of the year but i don't mind....because of the 2 hour "talk" with the folks i didn't get to talk to laura online, with 20p credit on my fone i could ony text a goodnight message to her. so to make ammends i've said i'll treat her on saturday.....talkin her to go see highschool musical 3 (i plan to draw eyes on my eyelids so i can lean over to her and fall asleep and spare my sanity for the bad few hours that it goes on for, later take her out for a meal and find myself skint again by sunday
need my Lloyds password to come through so i can move money from the savers account to the live one and that'll keep me till xmas.
*yaaaaaawn* but thats basically whats up atm :thumb:
On the snow boardin/ski'in side...i used to skateboard so would prefer snowboard to ski's....ouch Voddas....and thats why you never decide to fly off the mountainside and to just flatten the guy who wiped out :lol:
Off to lunch