Count to a Million

11321 welcome back Tach :p

@Fox you lucky person :p All i want really is a basic understanding of the written langauge

@Tach that brings up a point, how will copyright affect LBP the characters like we've seen have always been assoicated with sony but you mentioned Mario and i think Nintendo will have something to say about that...Oh yeah and Home has been done before :p you may of heard of it...Second Life? :lol:
O_O I'll read that later Tachi! I've gotta shoot now. I have a dentist appointment in 15 mins so wish me look.

*Pulls out dentist rifle and marches into the sunset*

Cya voddas.

God why is work such a drag!! everyone is just kissing arse today, its awful to watch. I feel like im the abd guy aswell sometimes, grrr hate it here

:lol: Hey Mono, nice enterance :thumb: :p
how're you today??

"@Tach that brings up a point, how will copyright affect LBP the characters like we've seen have always been assoicated with sony but you mentioned Mario and i think Nintendo will have something to say about that...Oh yeah and Home has been done before you may of heard of it...Second Life?" it properly lmao. i said it will be in league with such major league titles like sonic or mario.....i never said mario and sonic would be made into sackboy versions or even contain any ties with the titles :p

Second life.......thats got nothing to do with what Home is lmao.

ahh I see, it does'nt sound like my sort of game really. sounds pretty interesting though,

Hey mono by the way.

half hour to go then I can leave this dump

@Tach still i don't think it can be put in the same league as LBP is a lot more then platforming, and more about generating user content...making it a lot more like Spore then i first realised, but while they are two completely different games there main selling point is the creation aspects...intresting. Oh and if home has got nothing to do wih second life then why do people keep making assocations with the two :p

besides ultimately its a never ending circle, PS3 will have home then microsoft will bring out something new for their next gen xbox (for now i'll call it the 720...but i hope they come up with a decent name) which will prompt Sony to do something else which will prompt microsoft etc

funny though that Nintendo won't probably do much during this time :p sitting on their thrones of cash, the sherwd business men that they are..

...Okay i think i typed more then i intended but i'll end with this.

Sony if you want to win give me ZOE3 already!

:D good to hear your well mono, im great thanks.
have college at 6.30.....not looking forward to it tho :/

lol didn't mean league as in a single type of game balck. i meant as in LBP is expected to be as popular and as big as mario and others. but only time will tell if thats true.

Home is a community avatar, with a flat/pad you can decorate and community spots like local malls and plaza's where you can go watch movies in cinema (yes actually watch movies) can leap straight into games with other players and change different aspects of your avatar/person.....if i wanted to be mean and stop you in your tracks black....i could do it by saying "well....ps3 online is free, don't get scammed to go online like microsoft do :p and....console rings anyone? ;)" but im not that mean ;)
11338...but tach that is second life :p just without that prospect of making big bucks like you can in SL, plus Microsoft only charge for online gaming, not going online itself which free (of course the downloads cost money but that's standard across all three online places, shame that Virtual Console aside, the wii's online system looks like they asked a kid to design it) :p

As for hardware reliablity well mine's working fine and has been since launch :p it will only probably die when the new Xbox comes out as part of the big M's plan.

But let's not get into a childish squabble over which console is better, we'll leave that up to the fanboys, personally i'll own all three and get the cream of the crop for each console and their respective online market places :twisted: and then i'll do the same for the next generation and the next after that MWUHA HAHA HA


Kurogane's xbox has died *salutes*

in honesty im not a fanboy, was just righting a review. others have said it'd be really big, some even said it'll be as big as youtube. i mean come has hundreds on new pages added every day....will a game really be able to contend a internet site? maybe....depending on who has the bigger server or youtube. its all equates back to 8bites ;0 (sorry letting my techy side take over again :p)

i want to buy a xbox....for the console exclusives and simply to have both sides of the coin. and have had my eyes on the has one in the living room but i was thinking of buying myself one so i can play brawl and bleach at my leasure :p

but my loyalties stay with sony im afraid. when 4th gen consoles roll around i'll buy the sony 1st

im off, laters

*darkness engulfes room*