Count to a Million

10901 voddas was right *humbly bows* it's on both HDDVD and Blu Ray Amazon have the first two vols of the HDDVD version though the run time seems a bit screwy as the two vols only has 25 mins of content each so now i think i was wrong with my earlier esitmate that 4 vols completed the series if each only had 25 mins

Im a little confused now, referring back to the appleseed.

so in fact there are 3 appleseeds avaliable.

Appleseed (1988)
Appleseed (2004)
Appleseed Ex machina (2007-2008?)

I understand that 1988 is'nt related to the other two. but are the other 2 seperate movies? I have always thought ex machina was the same movie but with a bonus disc haha now im not so sure lol

Also another question :p Do I need to of seen the opriginal Vampire Hunter D to watch Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust?
Unlucky Fox. I hate it when series are cut short before production is completed. I'm sure they thought the complaints wouldn't way out the loss they would make continuing.

Have you seen Freedom Balck?

@Fox: It wood be best to watch VHD first but it isn't required. Same main character but another story. Good films XD
10906 nope :p the blu ray set looks promising but it kinda falls in line about me not spending the cash on a cheap blu ray player for one movie (you may of heard of these cheap ones, they're called PS3s :p) j/k i kid i kid

Fox@ The two newer Appleseeds are connected Ex machina is the sequel to the 2004 movie, i've been after all three films for a while now, to complete a oshii collection of sorts...also means i need to find domion tank police

@Voddas it was because HD DVD failed that the other vols weren't released or made, if the outcome had been different i'm sure we would be looking at a HD DVD complete Freedom set now (as well as looking at the japanese HD DVD releases and praying they had english subs :p )

I ment to say, It's best to watch VHD first "in my opinion". Both good movies but you can watch them seperately also if you want.

Sorry Balck, I knew that, I just didn't word myself right ¬_¬ I don't speak good engrish!

So, have you seen Freedom them Black? I dunno what it's like even though we're talking about the releases.

Sweet, well I may buy Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust today anyway as its £10 in HMV or Appleseed 2004 which is also £10.

@Black - I have seen appleseed 1988 for £7 in HMV and Dominion Tank Police is also in my HMV for £10. Just a heads up :)

lets start a petition to bring back HD DVD. LETS DO IT!!!!

I own Dominion Tank Police and New DTP. I love both series. A golden oldie you mite say. I got them from Play at £10 a pop also Black. Infact one Series was in the 3 DVDs for £15 at one point. Not sure if it is now like. Worth checking out tho.
10909 nah it won't do much we'll probably just make a lot of noise and force sony to come into play and give us free PS3s to shut us up....wait...that's a FANTASTIC idea :p :D

won't work though i'm afraid though its nice to see Sony have some success with a format...Beta-Max anyone?

@Voddas here's the plot description from ANN

ANN said:
Plot Summary: In the year 2041, mankind created their first space colony on the moon. But after a freak cataclysm devastated human civilisation on Earth, the republic of the moon built a domed megalopolis known as Eden. Now in the year 2267, a boy called Takeru spends his time engaging in hover-craft races against rival street gangs, unaware that he is about to embark in the journey of unearthing Eden's origin.

Sounds intresting looking at, but it looks like Tach is the only one of us (for now) who can benefit from its release

Morning Afternoon Everyone. Don't you mean a Shirow collection there Black :p

You're forgetting my one-stop shop. ;)

Unlucky on the HD-DVD Anime there Fox, but what you're doing is still a good idea 'cause you can get everything that has been released already far cheaper than the blu-rays. If you're willing to splash out a bit both Patlabor films were released on HD-DVD in Japan with English subs, but they were special editions and about £40 each.

Hey Ayase. Hows things. Yeah very unlucky on the HD, but yes I think its a genious idea, considering I can buy most HD DVD's for £3.99, thats cheaper than most standard dvd.

So whats the story on DTP then? How many volumes, episodes etc. Whats it about?

Here's some plot summaries from ANN Fox.

ANN on DTP: Leona Ozaki joins Newport City's infamous Tank Police division. With aid of Al and her newly built mini-tank, Bonaparte, she wages war on Buaku and his cohorts, the Puma Sisters.


ANN on NEW DTP: In the follow up to Shirows classic anime, Al, Leona and their trusty steed, Boneapart, continue to fight crime in New Port City, alongside the rest of the Tank Police. But a new threat appears in the form of a series of terrorist attacks, using the latest weapons technology. The Tank Police are out-numbered and out-gunned, but Al and Leona set out to discover who or what is behind these attacks. With massive explosions and high-speed chases, Leona often causes more damage than the criminals she pursues.

To be honest, I think their better than these summaries let on. But that's my opinion :p
I may think it's better than you may think it is but it's each to their own.

EDIT/ Yeah £500 sounds about right :lol:
Look at my link Fox, I just saved you all £994.54! I'll expect donations to my paypal account :p

I love the DTP manga and the original Anime. New Dominion probably isn't any worse, but it doesn't have quite the same retro charm... The original Manga Entertainment dub (British VA's) is brilliant.