Glad to see some life again lol and good to hear you liked the jokes and pics.
damn, that sucks Voddas :/ hopefully its fixed soon tho.
here here to that fox....preferrably a really beautiful girl does it
My evening was good thanks, was playing LBP most of it, someone had made the ninja warrior course and the takeshi course lol where i made a level with a tank that you can lull one lever to go forward and the other lever to fire....in a assault course of flaming cars flying round crashing into everything, in the end the Tank always gets destroyed by the cars and you end up running through on foot trying to jump out of the way of the random attacks from the cars and beat the timer to get to the end of the level. so far only 2 people have completed it (its had 100's of people try muhahaha)..one of which being me, the other was a guy on the same team but thats only because one controlled the gun and the other controlled the speed, was hard as hell but good fun,
the other level is a choice...you can either run along the start platfrom and jump onto one of three racepods or drop down and drive a sportscar, the course is the first multiplayer vehicle racer (so far others haven't worked out the way to create vehicles that only take up one path (there's three paths) and have to take up 2 paths for wheels and the car. so im proud for that, you have a race 3/4 of the level to get to the rocket which has a platform which drops down and you jump on it...it then takes you to the cockpit. you pul the lever, it flies up and goes crazy till is crashes back into the block that stopped your car from pregressing past the finishline and therefore releases your racer again, and its another mad dash to the final finishline. alot easier but there's still some problems......like the flaming ramp you jump off at the start. the racecare for those who want to play single player, goes along the same course....but one difference...when it flies off the ramp it lands on a higher platform which releases a robot when you drop back down to the floor level, then its a race to get to the 1st finishline before it destroys your car...and you, when you get to the rocket the robot attacks the rocket and it flies of towards the finish line instead of detroying the block for the racepods
took me ages to do, there was snags on the ramp stopping you from getting up without a problem, but it was smotthend out and no works fine