Well, at the party i was at on saturday i saw 2 girls who i liked (one looked the spitting image of nicole....the one i used to go to eastbourne everyweekend for, except she looked like an older version) called jess, we've talked and found out we get on really well, like the same things (both listen to linkin park and other bands so im like WOW!) excellent personality, beautiful and really cool. and another called marie, who has a really great personality, funny and good looking too.
i think my friend/co-worker Laura fancies me because who books a holiday with a friend of the opposite sex and says they want to share a room whithout having feelings for said person?
Anyway, Saturday im goin round laura's to finalise booking the holiday, and on sunday me and jess are havin a date in town

im really happy about it,
only problem i see is...if my assumptions are correct, then things aren't going to go well if i get asked/ask someone out as bf/gf =/ it won't bode well i don't think.
Edit: FOx, nope the price is just how much the company is ripping you off, the standard is exactly the same for a HDMI cable that costs £10 as a £100 one.