Count to a Million


@Tachi - Its actually a really enjoyable game aint it. Im loving it at the moment, very Gears of War esq.

@Voddas - Please, god no, not the boiling tar again. last time I could'nt get it out of hair, please god nooooooooooooo.

Ok can I get pick up the series cheaop anywhere? I need a new series

I think Amazon have it for a nice price but bare in mind its R1 only, we may have got the series broadcast over here but chance of the DVDs is slim to none, barring Beez pulling a rabbit out of a hat
Like Black says, there's no UK release. Had to buy it from America. Should have a look at the American market fox, whilst the dollar is weak. I only got it last month. I waited YEARS for a UK release, but no joy TT_TT

@Tachi, I only bought it yesterday so only at the end of Chapter 3. But yeah I love stealing there weapons haha. Its a shame you can onkly hold onto them for a short period of time. But I love the Glaive and pistol, headshots with a pistol are very satisying haha. Im dinding it hard to decapitate people though lol. Do you just throw the glaive near there neck? there head never seems to come off though

@Voddas+Black. Im yet to buy a R1 DVD hmm
9821 if i had the money i would be purchasing a few more things from america like the Big O series boxset and the two GaoGaiGar boxsets £40 for 49 eps isn't bad) and the Fate/ Stay Night boxset unless MVM get a hold of it (Fox you should look at this series as well as its from the same people as Lunar Legend Tsukihime)
You can run R1 DVDs off your PC/Laptop fox. That's what I've been doing anyway (contected my Laptop upto my 42" plasma ^^). But also, you should check on the internet about your DVD player. Some players (usually cheap ones) can be changed to R1 by pressing a few buttons on the remote. Worth looking into anyway mate.

Well, im not sure that the xbox controller has a tilt system like the PS3's Sixaxis, but can you control the glaive once you've thrown it? and can you power it up? if so then you can severe the heads, chest from hips (thats right, rip them in half) and depending on how you want to do it, the legs.

cuttin the top of the leg kills them. cutting near the ankle will make them limp towards you. same with the arms, its a funny sight a half dead guy running at you without any arms lol
i don't like the aiming system on the game tho =/ its not precise enough for my liking.....then again you are playing as a trigger happy american (who are known for their crap aiming in RL)

Haha yeah ive chopped arms and legs off and a few people in half, just not amnaged to lob the head off yet lol.

Yeah I can steer my glaive, its called After touch I think in the game

Well, if you hold the aim button and hold the button to throw the glaive then it should charge....when the tribal signs correlate and become (its orange in the ps3 version) then release the throw button and then use the aftertouch and aim for the head/neck :p

Yeah its yellow on the 360. Ill give it a go tonight. I like electrocuting them though haha and finishers are pretty neat.

I hate the guys who carry the shields, there so hard to hit, in the end I end up either nading them or as tehy swing at me I dodge behind them and finish them. still hard though!

I try to get in the midst of battlezones, running straight into the middle and meleeing then then finishers. if you get the right timing and the right finisher it'll fling the enemy you've just carved up into others and kills them.

i don't know why it got such a poor review, i love it.
9827 Tach i take it you are using the controller itself to steer the glaive? As that won't work in the Xbox 360 version since it came out before Nintendo announced their motion sensor controller (can you see what i did there :p i had a jab at Sony stealing nintendo's idea...Although Microsoft have got a motion sensor controller in development and i bet that from the next generation onwards all consoles will come with them as standard)

to be honest well done to the nintendo team on being the for-runners in next gen controllers.
And yeah the ps3 has games that are ONLY sixasis games (lair for example) and that was being developed before the release of the motion sensitive controllers came onto the scene, proving that sony already had an idea on the motion sensitivity of controllers regardless of nintendo :p

I hate the Wii, I think its rubbish. I hate all this standing up swinging your arms about like a crap mosher!

At the end of the day the Wii fails as people only use it for "parties and get togethers" and after 30mins-1 hour everyone is bored and wants to sit down, hence they eventually brought out standard controllers for the wii.

At the end of the day, I just wanna sit down and play some computer games.

Thats my Wii rant over. Did I mention that I hate it :p
I have a Wii *shields from Fox*
I only play PC games mostly. Wii was for the misses coz she likes to move around. played some great games on the Wii so I can't fault it myself. Wouldn't mind a PS3 mind *drewl*
Never been a big fan of the XBox, but that's mainly coz I'm a PC gamer and XBox games always end up coming out on PC and the graphics are better by then. That's Microsoft for you.

Yeah I played a good game on the Wii, it was mariokart, and I got to sit down and play it which was the best part about it.

I agree about PC and 360, I just waiting for Crysis to be ported on the 360, there talks about it but god I hope they do it
I heard about Crysis going 360 too. I've already completed three times *sticks tounge out at Fox* lol.
Next game from the Crysis engine is out shortly. It's even better aparently. They tweaked it loads so now fire can spread in the wind eg. Should check out clips on the net. Farcry2 is the name. I loved Farcry too. Can't wait!!