Count to a Million


Ahh, thats a bummer =/
and yeah i know about actual blood test results, they tell alot :eek:

Voddas...i'd like to withdraw my collection from the availability list.

Haha I'd like to borrow Blacks entire Gundam collection :p heehee

*Black backs towards his Gundam collection cocking his shotgun as he goes*

Hey @Black - I finished Tsukihime. It was a good finale, very very gutted that arcuad died :( she's an awesome character! And I liked the fact that Shiki was actually a "replacement" brother in the end.

But yeah alot of unasnwered questions. But I did enjoy it alot, plus the music was a treat aswell
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9703 hah one step towards my collection and i'll unleash the full force of my robot ninja and my mech *readies Goldion hammer* :p

but yeah the ending was sad, i found the final part more sad since she just appears to say goodbye and just vanishes before Shiki could reach her, that's got to be one of my favourite pairings in anime and to think it wasn't Shiki who killed Roa in the end, it was Ciel which was a nice touch.
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Yeah that was very sad, that last bit choked my girlfriend too. Arcuad has to be one of my fave anime girls, her eyes are awesome, and I love the way that everyone is attracted to her, an almost supernatural beauty that is irrestible to mortals, awsome!

Thats very true I was struggling to see a purpose for Ciel to begin with, she was tinkering on the edge of the story for the first 2 volumes but she came into her own on the final volume which was more satisying
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9707 Arcueid is one of my fav characters of all time. you should read the manga version of the show, the story is more of less the same but there is major differences like the fight with Nero Chaos and Ciel has more of a point in it, actually Shiki himself acts differently in the manga
*cough, sneazez and sticks tissue up his nose*
Think I'm coming down with a cold. My head is killing. And my thorat hurts. I hate colds. Much rather prefer the flu coz then you look bad enough to be sent home.

Boths GITS series are awesome imo. GITS FTW!

Why dont you poor some Chicken Tonight sauce on your desk and a little on your chin and shirt, then they'll send you home sick :D Genious!

are the gits series better tahn the movies? As I did'nt enjoy the movies loads *Fox winces in anticipation of flaming!*
Oh, I dunno Black. Laughing man was a good case like. I don't think I have a favourite out of the two.

@Fox: :lol: Could work but I used that one last month. Don't think they'll fall for it again. Hmmm... maybe if I use vegtable soup....
*menatl imagery* :lol:
9715 actually Voddas i was talking about the opening for the show :p i like Rise a lot better then inner universe also didn't realise till i saw it on youtube that she's singing in russian for part of the song

*Gets out out lighter and lynx spray*
okay i couldn't find a flamethrower so a DIY job will have to do
*Turns to radio and burns the stupid thing to pieces*
ahh thats better....friggin radio station playing "here comes the girls oooh, yeaaahh"
:evil: stupid song.

ah yes, GITS 2nd gig is utter brilliance.
the first gig seemed (IMO) dark and almost thuggish...when Batou was investigating a killer and had a fight next to a river at night (if i remember correctly)
but the second seemed alot more like a professional organisation. the story is excellent and compared to all 3 GITS films id have to say that in my opinion, it keeps its performance and enjoyability throughout them all.
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9719 - Lithium flower is my fav song, but I like Rise/Inner Universe at a similar position. Same singer and all.
But the 2nd intro was definately better than the 1st.