I've been there before, just looking for a place where things aren't crazy all the time ( we do want to sleep occasionally)
but also no places where its dead, or family orientated.
Sorry to hear about that mate :/
knowing the worlds mentality right now, he was probably stabbed for a stupid reason like "he looked at me the wrong way" :/
Wonder how much getting shot hurts :S
On lighter notes,
i have the following years planned out,
feb i finish my diploma, pass my practical driving test, then apply for a 9 week exam for the A+ whilst sending out CV's to various london based technicians departments.
then in june and july (ish) im off to teneriffe with laura and then egypt with the family,
2010 rolls around and hopefully should have a car, stable job in a I.T dept, earnin myself a nice weekly packet

then me and the lads are off to teneriffe again (yes we all love that iseland) laura will most probs be coming with, and then towards the end of the year im packing up my job, and me and the lad and lasses are off globe trotting before we have to settle down somewhere. im not sure if i'll come back to england...by then the possibility of civil war could be very real across here.
in which case im off to new zealand or the promised land (japan)