Well, atleast were almost all aboard the boat of knackeredness :/
try sleep when you can (Y) your not at work for ages so you have time.
i was up at 2am, exporting music from my ps3, to my psp mem card, putting the mem card in the psp to connect it to my laptop, to import to itunes, to put onto my ipod....except...i had 2 batches from the ps3 (mem card wasn't big enough to take more than 2 gig in one go) so i drag and dropped the first batch into itunes, then deleted the songs off the mem caard and went to get the second batch....when i drag and dropped the 2nd....and sync'ed itunes and the ipod.....an error message came up basically saying that the first batch couldn't be found so it didn't sync.....you know the feeling where your not sure whether to laugh or cry? that was one of those moments.
*sigh* awell, atleast i got all the OST's i wanted to put on.
(advice: dont eat cake, drink tango cherry and eat haribo at 2am.....you'll end up with a sugar rush and can't sleep for another hour)
Fun times