Count to a Million


Glad your enjoying it. Have you watched the anime? If you haven't then don't untill you've read the manga (well, untill a certain point anyway). Tempted to read it again now =P

I feel rough lol

I blame black (again)
fox, when you joing our convo's on prepared to stay up to crazy times during the week.

Hows all anyway?

Haha im looking forward to it Tach :D

@Voddas, nah not seen the anime, I did'nt know there was one yet. I cant wait to start Vol.2 of the manga. How many Manga volumes are there so far?

I'm good Tach, a little tired but none worse for wear.

@Fox, You'll have to tell me what happened at the end of the first volume mate. I know there are 83 Volumes in Japan but their much shorter with being released with the magazine each couple of months.
You probably won't get a chance to see the anime for a while yet anyway Fox. God knows what's going on with it.

I thought you had read them? or had you read the japanese volumes?

Im up to scene 4 in Vol.1 so onle a few pages until I start Vol.2

Clare just went to a village and killed 5 Yoma's and realised one of them had wings, then she threw her sword at him in midflight!! Amazing scene! :p

I think there are about 11 Volumes so far in the UK
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I couldn't wait for the UK release at the time and read (still read) the Japanese release. Think there's a fair few. Sorry I can't give you the correct answere for that Fox. I'm intrested now tho so I will find out.

Just realised I have to more Japanses releases to read ^___^ Yay!!

Good to hear your hanging in there Voddas :)

If you like might like Bloodsucker. and fox will most probably like witchblade too.
Battle royale is a good manga series too, abit graphic.

Hmmm, a Mosquito manga..... nah, I think I'll give it a miss :p

Fox, didn't know if I asked before, but do you have a account? Will add you if you do is all like.

Nah i would give it a miss, unless it was super gory, like a tiny little gnat lands on some kids arm, gives him a little nick and blood spays out like true manga style.

Then a swarm of gnats come over and purge this entire village, completly blood soaking it and all the gnats are lead by a mosquito man who lives on thee dge of the mountain haha.

Now are you interested Voddas :p

Nah I hav;nt got a myanime list. enlighten me

As proabaly guessed, its got a vampire in it.

I've only read 1 and 2 vols.

But it has gory bloodbath fights.
a semi complex story. good plot and storyline.
worth a look.