Count to a Million


Good to hear. I'm not so bad. Been trying to catch up on the forums with being away for the past 2 weeks. Lots has happened by the looks of things. Anything you know about anything?

he headed off msn for the evening really early, i hope nothin too bads happend =/

im going home and pigging out, then collapsing on my bed and will surface at somepoint on saturday.
when i paid for the cinema yesterday i put my card in my pocket...not in my wallet, i only realised when this when i was on im starving!!!!!

Cya later Mono :)

Gutted Tach, so you haven't eaten?!?! Unlucky mate. I couldn't sit here at my desk all day withgout fuel in the engine. You must be running on fumes at the moment.



Alone again ¬_¬

I'm fighting my stomach right now. keep getting stomach acid at the back of my throat, when i was in the cinema yesterday i leant over to cuddle an kiss amber (as you do) and the friggin chair arm...straight in my rib cage. so im feeling alittle battered today. running on dust. getting 4 hours sleep because i couldn't sleep and having a hard day....feel free to que the violins whenever your ready,

im going home. polishing off the 400g of chocolate i bought yesterday. taking another 2 ibuprofen and going to bed,

Thanks Voddas, it really isn't as bad as youd think, just hungry and tired. but thats easily remedied

Talk to you two later,

have a great eve,

mono, might be on msn in a while :)
