Count to a Million


Sounds like the AIDS, go get it checked out lol nah just kidding

@ Black - what sort of game are ytou designing? Is it an action shooter or something different? No worries if its confidential
8670 its a side scrolling platformer (using 3d graphics though) at the beginning there was grand plans for it but it looks like the capablities of the software are starting to show...

Dear Microsoft

I like using XNA its a nice enirovment, and its quite easy to get some decent results however...

1) Your animation support sucks big time, all i want is to load a nice simple walking animation cycle, nothing fancy but currently to do this feat i have to create a custom content pipeline? Why not just have this stuff included in the first place?

2) Only allowing Xact for music...yeah what were you thinking? This little problem set me back two weeks :x

3) Lack of quality tutorials- nuff said

So yeah please fix these, and i hope for your sake you have proper animation support into the next XNA release



P.S. comply with these or i'll release the paper clip man :p

> Virginity's like a
> bubble, one prick, all gone.

> Man who run in
> front of car get tired.

> Man who run behind
> car get exhausted.

> Man with hand in
> pocket feel cocky all day.

> Foolish man give
> wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.

> Man with one
> chopstick go hungry.

> Man who scratch ass
> should not bite fingernails.

> Man who eat many
> prunes get good run for money.

> Baseball is wrong:
> man with four balls cannot walk.

> War does not
> determine who is right, war determine who is left.

> Wife who put
> husband in doghouse soon find him in
> cathouse.

> Man who fight with
> wife all day get no piece at night.

> It take many nails
> to build crib, but one screw to fill it.

> Man who drive like
> hell, bound to get there.

> Man who stand on
> toilet is high on pot.

> Man who live in
> glass house should change clothes in
> basement.

> Man who fish in
> other man's well often catch crabs.

> Man who fart in
> church sit in own pew.

> Crowded elevator
> smell different to midget.

:lol: nah, got that sent to me by someone in the office, have heard a couple of them before. the cot one made me Lol the most.

Off to lunch all, hopefully my deliverys there.

if not there will be one less gw worker in the world....death by dmc style slaughtering :twisted:
Tachi- said:

:lol: nah, got that sent to me by someone in the office, have heard a couple of them before. the cot one made me Lol the most.

Off to lunch all, hopefully my deliverys there.

if not there will be one less gw worker in the world....death by dmc style slaughtering :twisted:


Yeah that was my favourite too :p 1 screw to fill it haha