Count to a Million


and i did till Boyzone scared me off

I watched it on Youtube this morning. I found it rather amusing but the best bit was at the end when it said it'll be back for Christmas.

Do you think that's going to be a one off, or is it the start of a new series?

there is gonna be an xmas special cause it's the one with kyile minogue in..then there is gonna be another series of it with catherine tate back in it and then they are having some time off but there will be specials during that year (david tennant is doing other projects)

I don't watch hockey matches on TV (can never actually seem to find any though). But if it was choice between playing football or hockey for games in school, it would be hockey hands down.

i loved it when i had the chance to choose in school (got that makes me feel old!) i would choose footie and the guys would just stick me in goal or defense cause they thought girls couldn't play wrong they were!!

back when i was in secondary shcool, we never got a choice in what to do in p.e unless it was either the last week before a holiday or if the teacher wasn't there. My vote was always for something like softball where i wasn't half bad, but more often then not it was football and i was stuck in defence :roll: though it could of been far worse (cross country in the snow)