Will-O'-The-Wisp Cardcaptor 26 January 2008 #2,415 2340 "You don't have the guts to kill someone do you? Well then I'll help you find the guts...by showing you some of yours."
2340 "You don't have the guts to kill someone do you? Well then I'll help you find the guts...by showing you some of yours."
C Churchy99 Adventurer 26 January 2008 #2,416 2341 "That bach and it rocks, its a rock block of bach, that he learned in the school, called the school of hard KNOCKS!"
2341 "That bach and it rocks, its a rock block of bach, that he learned in the school, called the school of hard KNOCKS!"
S shira Shinigami 26 January 2008 #2,420 2345 (Deidara where did you find your avatar lol its awesome)