Sorry for the English reply but I’d rather do that than Google Translate a reply!
1. 1920x1080p
The TV series was created in 4:3 ratio, there has never been a widescreen version officially released. The video is still in 1080 and has been pillarboxed to make it 1920x1080p as labeled on the box
It’s a common complaint but we will not alter the original video formats that were provided us by Sunrise – they’re the ones they used on the Blu-Ray in Japan so we prefer to remain faithful ^^.
While I can understand your initial thought that the Digipack to Cowboy Bebop has no relationship to the series barring harking back to the era it was released – there are actually two things that it was chosen for that are a love letter to the series.
i. The 5.1 Surround Sound anniversary edition came out in Japan each disc was contained
ii. The fact Spike and Jet is chasing after a Betacam tape player in Speak Like a Child sparked our trail of thoughts on this too – they come back with a VHS player instead! So our BD release was modeled on VHS tapes for the digipack and the DVD set will be based on a Betamax. It’s subtle but we hope fans appreciate the link into that episode ^^.
Incidentally, we presented the release style and digipack to the original producer and now President of BONES, Masahiko Minami, who laughed with glee at Tokyo Anime Fair this year and said it was, and I quote, “Very in the style of Bebop.” As high a praise as I’m going to get, so it works for me!
That said, if you have any suggestions for future releases of Bebop for packaging do fire away with an email via the above ^^!
Regarding 7 discs vs 4 discs – this doesn’t necessarily actually mean a decrease in quality. As the process in Japan is to author for more discs in general it’s not often considered to drop the disc count in practice despite the business logic in doing so. Using BD50 this does not necessarily mean a loss in quality even if there are more episodes per disc.
I may have misunderstood though so feel free to give some examples of differences in quality due to 7 discs in Japan and 4 discs for the EU release if I’ve missed the point ^^;;;!
Hope this helps and sorry again for the English reply!
Very best regards,
Andrew Partridge,
President, Anime Limited