Sorry, been rather busy the last two weeks so I've not looked in as much as usual! Will start at the beginning and work my way through!
BDT87 said:
Short story: I got tired of the advertising from Anime Limited when nothing has been released yet. A lot of people said it was good advertising and yes it is but it gets tired when you see new "updates" every week when its not going to be released for a long time such as OutLaw Star.
You have to keep in mind this is a phenomena that occurs squarely when you're starting out more than anything. It's a big title and made sense to launch by announcing it in December. I'd intended for it to be ready in May actually but material coordination was more complex for this title than usual given the companies who had assets prior were dissolved.
Very sorry if it's interfered with your enjoyment of things and if you can detail particular examples of it happening again I will keep my eyes open and start reviewing how we do that. If we can't change if for some reason then I'll come back and explain.
BDT87 said:
Now we actually HAVE a release from Anime Limited, let me just warn you guys there is actually a fault on the release, yes the first release.
There is a slight glitch on CowBoy Bebop and error on discs.
This was taken from another thread. I have no received my copy yet so I can't comment if this is going to happen on every disc.
"Discs are both labelled wrong too.
Disc 1 is labelled #1-6 and there are 7 episodes on there.
Disc 2 is labelled #7-13 and it obviously starts at 8."
To be completely honest - first releases are where you expect things like this to occur. Now to break it down:
- Chaptering is an issue that has been raises, we're aware of it and by the time it was raised it was likely too late for Part 2 of Bebop but has been noted. This doesn't fall into the realms of faulty though, just irritating.
- Discs labeled wrong - got us there! It's irritating and something always slips by - but we'll keep a closer eye next time to be sure the episodes match up per disc. Sorry for any frustration this has caused - on the upside, all the episodes listed are in the package at least!
- Video glitch - this is small and not at a crucial moment of the show, almost blink and miss it. We strive for video excellence though so this is something we are driven to remove and despite cost to ourselves re-paying for the glassmaster, postage and printing, we will prepare backup discs for everyone.
- 4:3 vs 16:9 - Had this a few times too - the video is pillarboxed because that's the way it was on the Japanese release. We can't mess around and add the option to stretch to widescreen because the video simply was not designed that way and will look pretty horrific if we did. It would never pass with the licensor.
I care a lot about you guys and now I'm in the position to actually control the whole chain there shouldn't be an answer I can avoid.
BDT87 said:
So Andrew is looking in to it, but it shows I was right in one argument. Don't get HYPED on a release before it gets released as there could be many problems with the release.
I hope this info brings new light as well for the people who did not know about the fault on CowBoy Bebop.
I don't think there's any issue with getting hyped up before a release per se (speaking as someone who does get excited still every time Hosoda-san makes a new film for example) - I think you just have to temper it and if something is up don't be afraid to contact the distributor and say. We're not a massive behemoth company, every one of your purchases matters to me to keep afloat and I'll always make myself available. Sometimes there may be nothing I can do but I'll at least explain why there's nothing that can be done and try my best to fix things going forwards (this isn't one of those times, thankfully)!
Thanks as ever for flagging these things and if you can get back to me on what you mean by too much promotion in advance I'll look into it in case it's likely to happen again (which I'm guessing not now our catalogue is more than just Cowboy Bebop!)
Very best,
Andrew Partridge,
President, Anime Limited