Geriatric hedgehog
Death Scythe
That scene with her at the end was especially heartbreaking after all that had just passed.And then poor little Pino. It's like shes the only one to react as she turns back towards her brother only to be knocked aside as Vincent and the Proxy pass and then we see her in the pose to awakening. What a soul crushing moment to achieve self awareness; just as you watch your mother and brother get killed in front of you and you couldnt save them. And now the authorities are after her too and just wants her dad to come home
I thought she looked very sinister as well but the show does a great job of demonstrating the difference emotional expression makes in our perception given how different the autorievs come across with the Turing app on (that app is by far THE most advanced invention I have ever seen in any sci-fi medium and I very much want it implanted in my head for those early morning school drop-off parent chats, or better yet a way to switch that function off in other parents heheh!)The little kid with the baby and mother was kind of creepy there for a minute, but later on we see the opposite, where she went to get a balloon for the kid.
I was wondering with the first episode if this ED was unique to the English release and whether it would have been used in Japan as well, but the choice seemed so spot on that I thought that surely it would be in every release. Sad to hear that isn't the case...What the hell, I don't get Radiohead for the ED in the French edition, this is horseshiit man.
Hahaha that is brilliant. I am going to try it out in real life (and open my eyes when the next parent talks about the weather) though in all likelihood am far more likely to just get run over on the road...@Lordhippos they did that thing with Vincent where a character usually has their eyes shut and when they open them, it means shiit's getting real and they're not so harmless after all [giddy~ - I love that stupid trope lol],
It does have a closed off feel doesn't it and makes me wonder what on earth the world is like outside the city.Romdeau is perhaps reminiscent of the city of Olympus from Appleseed
I'd completely missed that as well until I read @Neil.T's comment (thanks for the extra info by the way @Neil.T, it all very nicely adds useful background info) but yeah the wife had definitely mentioned that in passing. Hiding in plain sight indeed. Loving how well this series does "show don't tell" with the exposition and so incredibly efficiently!@Neil.T just a moody bit from the OST
Damn, I'm sleeping on the wheel. Like, yeah, something was off about Raul during that whole scene but I hadn't made the connection that it was actually his family.
Love feeling dumb like this
Can't say I can think of anything to add to episode 2 and will try to watch 3 tonight but that is likely to get bumped to tomorrow sadly.