
Voddas said:
Not dubbed yet, however has been announced that the first Vol of the English dubbed series will be out in America Fall this year. So unless you have a multi regional DVD player. It may be a while before it's added to your collection.
Guess I'm wait til Autumn then. Gives me the time to save up my monneh.
Ta mate.
I'm really looking forward to the dub, though the Japanese voice acting really was amazing. Usually, the quality of the voice acting in Japanese is lost on me (and presumably, every other anime fan; they just don't admit it) because I don't speak Japanese, but it was very obviously brilliant in Claymore. I hope the dub lives up to that high standard! :]
CitizenGeek said:
I'm really looking forward to the dub, though the Japanese voice acting really was amazing. Usually, the quality of the voice acting in Japanese is lost on me (and presumably, every other anime fan; they just don't admit it) because I don't speak Japanese, but it was very obviously brilliant in Claymore. I hope the dub lives up to that high standard! :]

I know exactly what you mean. I may not know what their saying in Japanese but I can definately tell when the voices acting is good. Claymore is a prime example. Only complaint I'd make would be the ending (especially if you've read the manga like me). But, hey, anything could happen as I've hear rumours of a sequal AND (more importantly) a re-hash of the last two episodes. Which would be cool.
Possibly, but like... the anime caught up to the manga pretty much and was only like 10 chapters behind, so it seems we may have to wait a few years for another series.
Chronos said:
This was an amazing first season/series.

Does anyone know if there are plans to do a 2nd one?
Nothing factual, only rumours. I'm more fussed about them sorting out the last few episodes of the first series to be honest. There's no where near enoughy story line in the manga to make a second series yet either. Like Lupus Ino said, it's gonna be a long wait. (unless they make it up again, and I hope to god they don't).