Ok how this game gose is
You take characters from different shows that would make another character e.g.
You start by put there names or pics of characters like this
Vash + alucard + wolfwood = and you have to guess who it could be and you get the nubmer of chances is determand by how many names you put down which I this case would be 3 chances. Also if you lose you tell who it is and why these characters make up the = character but if you know you must tell why you choose that character each time you guess wrong you get a clue
So like I said
Vash + alucard + wolfwood = which character
You take characters from different shows that would make another character e.g.
You start by put there names or pics of characters like this
Vash + alucard + wolfwood = and you have to guess who it could be and you get the nubmer of chances is determand by how many names you put down which I this case would be 3 chances. Also if you lose you tell who it is and why these characters make up the = character but if you know you must tell why you choose that character each time you guess wrong you get a clue
So like I said
Vash + alucard + wolfwood = which character