Can Money Make You Happy?

Can Money Make You Happy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

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I like anime, food and travelling and you need money for those, so my answer is yes.
But money is basically a means to an end, so while I try to be concious of it, I wouldn't save money just for the sake of getting rich.

If i had a couple of millions sat in the bank i could quit my job, relax and spend my life doing anything i want buys happiness, point proven whenever you see a homeless person, give them a fiver and watch their little faces light up with glee.

(to see the biggest gleeful smile on a hobo's face.....get two of them...make them fight to the death and the victor will look like he's just won the lottery)

Money and fame have their downsides though....your never really loved for who you are, family and close friends alike will see you as a walking bank rather than love you for who you are. its also the same with money that you'll find your true friends....these are the ones that truly like you for who you are and not for how many digits are in your bank account.
Tachi- said:
Yeah, If i had a couple of millions sat in the bank i could quit my job, relax and spend my life doing anything i want basically....
This. I don't think many people live their lives the way they choose to, they live the way they have to. Why? Because of money. Even if I was rich though, I wouldn't be that extravagent. Sure, I'd buy all the stuff I've always wanted - but the best thing about having money is that it would enable you to live your life in whatever way you wanted, and that probably is happiness.

It should probably be noted that before money, Government or before things like Enclosure, you could have lived more or less the way you wanted without being rich. But that was then, and this is now.
Money doesn't make you happy, what you buy with it does. The ability to obtain whatever you desire make you happy, so long as what you desire is something money can buy.

For me, the biggest happiness money would bring me would be using it to help people & accomplish something good. Making others happy makes me happy. :)
Mutsumi said:
Money doesn't make you happy, what you buy with it does. The ability to obtain whatever you desire make you happy, so long as what you desire is something money can buy.

For me, the biggest happiness money would bring me would be using it to help people & accomplish something good. Making others happy makes me happy. :)

If you bought me some sgt frog manga that would make me happy
In all you could say that money doesn't give you direct happiness. but the freedom and influence money gives allows you to acquire happiness.

Partly i want my own can buy these now-a-days, and then i can live my life how i want with freedom from government tax's
If I had my way, I'd burn every note on one huge bonfire and melt every coin to make monuments with. (Or give to collectors, I'm sure that they'd want to preserve them for asthetic purposes.)

But since it's reality we're talking about, then I admit that when I get the next pay check, I look forward to what I can use it for. However, the actual physical product that a number/note/coin represents you're level of "humanity" (respect/style/necessaties/desires) brings quite an unappealing thought to me.

So money is the tool to give you easy-to-achieve happiness. However, there are some things that money itself isn't needed for. It's not happiness, but it's the means to achieve a certain level of it. So I'll vote "yes" for the fact you cant get much without it.
Tachi- said:
Partly i want my own can buy these now-a-days, and then i can live my life how i want with freedom from government tax's
Only if you find a unchartered island that is not part of any country's territory.
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
Partly i want my own can buy these now-a-days, and then i can live my life how i want with freedom from government tax's
Only if you find a unchartered island that is not part of any country's territory.

You could always buy a tank to go with your island, & declare independance from the owning country, followed by forging an alliance with another country.

Heck, you could start a war if you did that right!
I'm not sure, i've always thought that no matter how much money i have, it doesn't directly affect my overall happiness. Sure i can buy this and that to keep me entertained, but i guess even will all the money in the world, it can't buy happiness. Perhaps having someone to share such luxuries with though can help, but hey.
I do however think money can cause a lot of stress, i mean certainly in times like this. Going into debt, bank claiming money from you for doing so, can't pay for this or that never helps, so i'd say with money you could be happy, but it depends on how you see life, but i see it causing more distress and such in the long run.
As has already been said. Money buys freedom so provides you the opportunity to leave behind working stress and to do whatever you want and be happy. I think some people with very high paying jobs get sucked into them though so will never quit and just relax but maybe that is what they want.
yes and no, you can buy things that make you happy with money, however, money itself is merely what you use to acquire these things, one could argue that it is not the money that made you happy but just what you bought with it.
SundayMorningCall said:
yes and no, you can buy things that make you happy with money, however, money itself is merely what you use to acquire these things, one could argue that it is not the money that made you happy but just what you bought with it.

this is silly. you could never own those things without having money so things you purchase that make you happy is still money making you happy at the root.