I was pleased with most of the anime that were in the chart and i was very happy that Spirited Away got into the top ten, but i couldn't help but spend the whole show making disgruntled, sarcastic comments.
I knew i would be annoyed and i knew it would get me fired up, but i watched it all the same, for the most part i just kept trying to calmly tell myself "this is voted by the british general public (9/10th's of which havn't even heard of anime), you can't expect that much, it's not even a experts point of view, don't throw the remote control at Andy Peters head, don't put your foot through the tv when you see that annoying sponge bob square pant's face and don't take out you anger on the closest person to you when you find out that that stupid, unfunny, unoriginal, rubbish animation that is the simpsons is number one.
Sorry to any fans of the Simpsons (or any other american animated series) but i just can't stand them, i knew they would win, and the more and more people like them, the more and more i hate them. It's the same for any other american animated series, i've developed a real prejudice towards them because for some reason it's
ok to like the simpsons what ever age you maybe, despite the adverage animation and the pradictable jokes,
but if you like anime your some kind of freak because anime is just for kids etc, etc
there was a good anime showing, although no DBZ...
Yeah i didn't think there would be, i love DBZ(even though most everyone else here spends more time slagging it off), yes i love it, even the 'crappy' one they show on toonami,
and i've watched the series more times than i can possibly count....sorry about that, i'm just in a bit of a bad mood, and i've seen one too many nasty comments about DBZ today. It would have been a really wonderful surprise if DBZ had been there, but i really didn't expect it for a second