Blu-ray Anime

I was on PS3 when I failed to notice it, so perhaps it might also be useful to have an approximate timestamp of one instance so we can all double-check?

Rui said:
I was on PS3 when I failed to notice it, so perhaps it might also be useful to have an approximate timestamp of one instance so we can all double-check?
The flicker seems to depend on the player, but one example is Bakemonogatari ep 1 @ 5:09 'A haunted house'. Not the best example as it happens on a scene change which helps to hide it. The BDX3200 flickers while the PS3 does not. Same problem with Nisemonogatari, which was really bugging me, so I'll now finish watching that on the PS3.

Update: In places there's still some flicker on the PS3. The previews at the end of Nisemonogatari ep 1 & 2 both have this problem.
Thanks, it was a couple of seconds earlier than that with my player for some reason but I saw the flicker at that point on both my computer and my PS3. It doesn't seem as severe as with say, Star Driver (which was horrific) but it still looks weird when the subtitles quickly refresh.

In checking I realised the reason I didn't notice it originally was probably that I watched with sign subtitles off >_>

I first noticed the blinking on the Toshiba BDX3200, and replicated it on the PS3. I started on disc 2, episode 3, and it occurs multiple times in the first ten minutes. It's definitely not as severe as it was in Samurai Girls, perhaps because the subtitles are smaller, but nonetheless I caught it (or it caught me) right away.
Siren's Penguindrum Blu-rays arrived from DevotedDVD.

Subtitles are yellow but small and thin (some might say a bit too small and thin, but not me). But... like the subtitles of Samurai Girls and Bakemonogatari, they blink when a caption or a second character's dialogue appears on screen. Noooooo. I would give the dub a try but it's supposed to be not very good, and I don't think I can tolerate Ilich Guardiola (how does he keep getting cast) voicing one of the lead characters.

I suppose I'll have to either deal with the subtitles or find an alternate version to watch. Sadface.
Because I know at least a couple of you have ordered the US Gargantia Blu-ray and I can't find a more appropriate thread:

Yesterday I received my copy of Viz's Gargantia CE. Decided to get that and sell my UK copy. BUT...

The first discs defaults to English dialogue and the full subtitle track. Already I hear alarm bells. I go into the disc setup and select English w/signs and subtitle track - which already seemed to be selected. UH OH. Same thing happened when playback started: English dialogue with full subtitle track. Now, there's definitely two subtitle tracks on the disc but the other one - presumably signs/songs - is impossible for me to access because, of course, they're locked.

Can someone who has/will have this release double check this for me?

Also, the Viz version seems to have worse video quality than Manga's. I thought it might have been my imagination that it didn't look as sharp, so I checked the scene at the mid-point of the first episode, where Amy is running through the ship, and the Viz version exhibits a lot more noise. And the first disc has one fewer episode than Manga's.

Guess I'm keeping the Manga release, then :/
I just received my Viz Media set so I'll check it later. But apparently (according to Fandom Post) the subtitles are locked but that probably didn't help answer your question.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Can someone who has/will have this release double check this for me?
Yeah it defaults to English Dub w/Full subs. Go to the pop-up menu and select signs again, failing that Eng Dub w/Full subs then change to signs. That worked for me.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Also, the Viz version seems to have worse video quality than Manga's.
No idea what Manga's release is like but this is definitely a massive step down for Viz compared to the really good quality Accel World and Tiger & Bunny releases.
Disc 1 is only 30gb, with an average bitrate of 19-20mbps. Just watching the first sequence there's loads of banding and noise. Something about the audio tracks seem a bit off too, almost like it's crackling/distortion sometimes.

EDIT: Compared to the TV version of Episode 1. Something is definitely going on with the audio for both tracks.

Does Manga's release have Japanese or English translated credits for the OP/ED?
Mangaranga said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Can someone who has/will have this release double check this for me?
Yeah it defaults to English Dub w/Full subs. Go to the pop-up menu and select signs again, failing that Eng Dub w/Full subs then change to signs. That worked for me.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Also, the Viz version seems to have worse video quality than Manga's.
No idea what Manga's release is like but this is definitely a massive step down for Viz compared to the really good quality Accel World and Tiger & Bunny releases.
Disc 1 is only 30gb, with an average bitrate of 19-20mbps. Just watching the first sequence there's loads of banding and noise. Something about the audio tracks seem a bit off too, almost like it's crackling sometimes.

EDIT: Compared to the TV version of Episode 1. Something is definitely going on with the audio for both tracks.

Does Manga's release have Japanese or English translated credits for the OP/ED?

Manga's has English translated credits. But I didn't notice any problems with the audio and video. The only place I really felt aggrieved at banding was in a couple of deep dark underwater sequences.
Just Passing Through said:
Manga's has English translated credits. But I didn't notice any problems with the audio and video. The only place I really felt aggrieved at banding was in a couple of deep dark underwater sequences.
Would you happen to have the BDMV sizes for Manga's discs?
Also what's the audio on Manga's BD? PCM?
PCM audio at 2.3 Mbps, and I don't have a Blu-ray drive to measure file sizes.

But I will have a review up tomorrow where I wax lyrical about how good the show looks in HD, and have a whinge about the lack of on-disc extras... Maybe Manga made the right choice in ditching them. Although don't let them know I said such a thing!

EDIT: Interesting to see fabio resurrect this thread after a year and month, an indication that anime Blu-rays are the norm now, and not particularly worthy of their own special thread. Also had a giggle at his last post in September 2013, having a whinge about Illich Guardiola and the Penguindrum Blu-rays. I wouldn't worry about hearing his voice anymore! :lol:
Just Passing Through said:
PCM audio at 2.3 Mbps, and I don't have a Blu-ray drive to measure file sizes.

But I will have a review up tomorrow where I wax lyrical about how good the show looks in HD, and have a whinge about the lack of on-disc extras... Maybe Manga made the right choice in ditching them. Although don't let them know I said such a thing!

EDIT: Interesting to see fabio resurrect this thread after a year and month, an indication that anime Blu-rays are the norm now, and not particularly worthy of their own special thread. Also had a giggle at his last post in September 2013, having a whinge about Illich Guardiola and the Penguindrum Blu-rays. I wouldn't worry about hearing his voice anymore! :lol:
As a quick example, the entire first scene in English with the narrator speaking over the scene sounds horrible in English. It sounds low quality, and there's some sort of distortion/hissing going on too.
The same also seems to apply to the Japanese track, but not at the same times as the dub.

Do you use a BD Player or a Console for BD playback? Some BD Players let you view the BDMV size. (My BDX3200 does)

EDIT: Scrap that about the Japanese track. Played back a JP BDrip of episode 1 and it's the same. It's nowhere near as noticable on the TV airing.
Funnily enough there's minimal banding/noise in comparison to Viz's official release which is quite noticable. This is just one very obvious example of it.

The English dub track still sounds bad though.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Because I know at least a couple of you have ordered the US Gargantia Blu-ray and I can't find a more appropriate thread:

Yesterday I received my copy of Viz's Gargantia CE. Decided to get that and sell my UK copy. BUT...

The first discs defaults to English dialogue and the full subtitle track. Already I hear alarm bells. I go into the disc setup and select English w/signs and subtitle track - which already seemed to be selected. UH OH. Same thing happened when playback started: English dialogue with full subtitle track. Now, there's definitely two subtitle tracks on the disc but the other one - presumably signs/songs - is impossible for me to access because, of course, they're locked.

Can someone who has/will have this release double check this for me?

Checked the first couple of episodes on disc 1 and the first episode on disc 2 of my copy and the discs default to English dialogue with songs/signs track (subtitle track 2), so it could just be a issue with certain players.

Just out of curiosity are the subtitles locked on Manga's release? And, is there any on screen text that needs translating?
Well, that's annoying. My US copy has already shipped. At least the Japanese release is pretty good as a backup plan, though I didn't like the show all that much so I decided against buying it that way >_>
