Big Brother 2007


Baka Ranger
I felt obliged to make a thread for this years Big Brother.
Its a load of crap, but everyone seems to watch it. So yeah use thread to discuss Big Brother latest 'appenings, Screw channel 4's Big Brother forum; this is better. Buyah.
Im gonna not watch 1 minute of this series and not even talk about it. Its going to be quite the task, but I feel Im upto it.
I'm watching it for the lulz, like I've said before. It's just the UKs version of Love Hina... but much, much, worse.
Watched last night with my girlfriend as she is a fan (weirdo!) but 11 women in one house means there will be some amazing fights upcoming.

Also my predictions for the show:

Twins - Naked in Nuts or Zoo Magazine

Posh spice wanna be - Naked in FHM

Black girl ex stripper - Loaded yes she'll be naked
thekendyman said:
BB must be destroyed

The other day I saw highlights of two of last year's candidates; the lead singer of the Ordinary Boys (I forget his name), and that blonde retard who's face resembles expired hummous - were acting like retards with each other, and saying they'd marry each other if they weren't in this travesty of a 'reality' game show.

It reminded me of how butchered terrestrial television was, and how satisfied I am with staying away from the mainstream culture; media, socialites and anything else.

Yeah, BB is for the braindead.
I'll watch it if one of them is a secret lesbian and gets up to things in the night.

Wait the granny is bi though :shock:

Think over that :wink:
I don't know why Big Brother gets people so easily up on their TV high horses. 99% of terrestrial TV is dull crap - either some generic detective show, outdated soap or dried up talent show. Big Brother is much better than most of the crap on terrestrial TV.
CitizenGeek said:
I don't know why Big Brother gets people so easily up on their TV high horses. 99% of terrestrial TV is dull crap - either some generic detective show, outdated soap or dried up talent show. Big Brother is much better than most of the crap on terrestrial TV.

Tis almost a cringe worthy as Date Movie to watch though.

CH4 has quite a few good American shows. albeit E4 is better
CitizenGeek said:
I don't know why Big Brother gets people so easily up on their TV high horses. 99% of terrestrial TV is dull crap - either some generic detective show, outdated soap or dried up talent show. Big Brother is much better than most of the crap on terrestrial TV.
Really now?
I always think there's something really pervy about Big's like you're watching some random a house...eeeeeww!