I can't recommend
BlahDVD highly enough. They were linked - in some way - to
SplashDVD which went into liquidation a short while back but I have found no signs of any misleading conduct from
BlahDVD to date. I make sure I always pay using a credit card with internet fraud protection to insure that if the worst-comes-to-the-worst I’m covered.
I have brought loads of back catalogue titles from them that at pretty outstanding prices (
Hellsing from £8.99 a volume,
Rahxephon from £8.99 a volume,
Full Metal Panic from £8.99 a volume and
Noir from £9.99 a volume).
BlahDVD have also started offering many new releases from MVM, ADV and Beez at £12.99 –
Samurai Champloo volume one anyone?
The customer service is fantastic with replies to most of my emails arriving within a couple of hours with the fastest reply being within six seconds.
The BlahDVD website can be found here:
Just like
Play.com all their items are postage free (usual lead-time of three working days) so have a browse and enjoy.
On the basis of all the above I voted
BlahDVD as the 'Best Retailer' in the 'NEO Awards 2005'.