Best console for "sit back and relax" gaming


Straw Hat Pirate
Ok before anyone asks, sit back and relax gaming is where you play a game where speed and such are not a worry. An example would be Enchanted arms or final fantasy, though it would probably count for puzzle bobble too... in short its Veg gaming

I have an Xbox 360 but its 99% action/driving/FPS which is not what i want... if i did i'd play ARMA or IL2 on my PC...

Oh and i dont mind getting rid of the Xbox as i can sell it for how much it cost me :)
Best console for relaxing, erm...well i think it depends more on the game to be honest, some games on the 360 are like that, usually ones i have from XBLA, some PS2 games, mostly RPG ones usually allow me to relex as well. The only one i could really say may not be as easy to relex with is the Wii, due to the fact it requires you to really get into the game more than relax.
I'd actually say if your after vegging get hold of some old ps1 or id go as far as a snes console :p

You see since these games aren't so much about graphics and game play and more about storyline you can kinda just chill and go with it.
Like final fantasy 6 2d sprites simple turn based combat amazing storyline.
Or bust a move series line bubbles burst em make sure the screen doesn't over flow simple 8)

With the ps2 onwards even rpgs ended up being about gameplay and graphics and there storyline became pretty predictable.

For a true whacked out experince go classic 8)
Early 90s Console the SNES - Almost all the games of Old Nes redone, made better and new games made this my favorite console to play as a child

Late 90s Console the Playstation - the mixture of adult and childish games worked making it one of the most popular consoles of the 90s

Early 00s the Gamecube - The big kids computer. lots of fun and not overly difficult games

Now the Xbox 360 - Cause the Wii though fun u have to be playing standing up & using loads of energy. The Barbeque, sorry PS3 is overly expensive and the variety of games are currently out on the 360. 360 is more grown up than the rest but there are some really fun games available like GH2
I think the XBox 360, especially when playing games like Test Drive unlimited where you can just cruise.
Not to mention, you can pretty much do anything with it and not have to move at all, you can tell it's made by americans ;)
RPG style sit back gaming I could only say go for a PS2 (PS3 when FFXIII comes out) and of course a PC (although not technically a console)
There are Plenty of RPG for the 360. There is the new Blue Dragon coming out, which takes a lot of ideas from Chrono Trigger. There is Trusty Bell (AKA Eternal Sonata in Japan), also Lost Oddysey.

There is a lot of Western RPGs, Such as Fable 2 and this other RPG, I forgot. Also, There is Project Slypheed that came out recentley, which is ment to be a Space Shooter, and is the best bunch of the 3D space shooter relam.

360 is a awesome console, much better than the PS3 for now. But really, PS3 have more RPG, but who wants their heart shattered seeing FF13 a disapoinment as FF12.

There are Billions of RPG that deserve more than Final Fantasy, like Shin Megami Tensei or Chrono Trigger, or Shadow Hearts.
Many people are mentioning RPG, But the Playstation3 has even less work involved in some of its titles; flOw being one (download only) and LittleBigPlanet (download only, not released i don't think). I am sure there are others as sony are making quite a few relaxing games.

Its all personal preference to do with each console.
I think you mean "LittleBigPlanet" Jayme? :D

Chrono Demon said:
Trusty Bell (AKA Eternal Sonata in Japan)

It's the other way around.

And you can only name 3 RPGs coming out for 360 - which doesn't really say much for the consoles upcoming RPGs, to be honest.

but who wants their heart shattered seeing FF13 a disapoinment as FF12.

Only few were disapointed with FFXII. Most people loved it, and FFXII won over more new fans for the series than any previous game (aside from FFVII, of course). Seriously, most people loved FFXII. Pretty much every critic loved the game too - Only a few silly purists didn't like the game.

There are Billions of RPG that deserve more than Final Fantasy, like Shin Megami Tensei or Chrono Trigger, or Shadow Hearts.

Not exactly sure what this sentance was supposed to mean - but there really aren't that many RPGs out there that are more worthy of your time than Final Fantasy.
CitizenGeek said:
I think you mean "LittleBigPlanet" Jayme? :D

Yeah, thats the one, I haven't been on GameSpot in ages. Looking forward too see whats coming up at the E3 soon though.

I'll edit my post
CitizenGeek said:
There are Billions of RPG that deserve more than Final Fantasy, like Shin Megami Tensei or Chrono Trigger, or Shadow Hearts.

Not exactly sure what this sentance was supposed to mean - but there really aren't that many RPGs out there that are more worthy of your time than Final Fantasy.

I think there is... Ever since FF10 was created, the FF series have went down. Square Enix have ruined the FF series, the only game that SE managed to put effort in is Kingdom Heart, because Testuya Nomura is the Father of KH.

Whatever happened to Hironobu Sakaguchi, he quited SE. Without him, the FF series is doomed. Unless FF13 can actually restore its Reputation of why I love FF in the first place, then I'm branded it as going downhill.

I am a really Huge FF fan, but I am disapointed that FF isn't as enjoyable as it used to be.

And there are millions of Game that deserved to be more known that FF. The Tale series, Shadow Hearts series, Shin Megami Tensei Series, Chrono Series.

Without Hironobu Sakaguchi, FF is going downhill

And you can only name 3 RPGs coming out for 360 - which doesn't really say much for the consoles upcoming RPGs, to be honest.

You know, Western RPG counts, you know >.> So in both the JRPG & WRPG

Mass Effect
Fable 2
Eternal Sonata
Blue Dragon (Confirmed as a Trilogy)
Lost Oddyssey
Mayn, I like how this topic turned into a debate on why FF series pwns near enough every other RPG out there.

Anyway, I dunno about consoles, but music generators are relaxing games, especially when you listen to what you created and it's all paid off.

Hokum said:
Isn't it all a bit moot, with FF13 more than likely going to be multiformat?
Yes, I believe so.
flOw has to be the most relaxing game I've ever played. On the PS3 you control your creature with the six-axis and basically float around eating things (some passive, some aggressive) all to an ambient soundtrack.
Hokum said:
Isn't it all a bit moot, with FF13 more than likely going to be multiformat?

Er ... what? What makes you think FFXIII will go multi-format? In fact, it's not likely at all! FF has never been multiformat in the past, the games developers regularly sing the praises of the PS3 and the PS3 alone and Sony would never allow a game as important as FFXIII to go multi-format especially in their current situation!
Sony haven't actually secured exclusivity on the title, last I heard of it, so it's possible for a 360 version.
I read a statement by Pachter, he said that SE face a dilemma to break tradition and make FFXIII multiplatform, or make it PS3-exclusive and suffer (fairly) bad sales in the Western market. But official word is that it's PS3 exclusive, so we don't really have any good reason to really believe so.
CitizenGeek said:
Er ... what? What makes you think FFXIII will go multi-format? In fact, it's not likely at all! FF has never been multiformat in the past, the games developers regularly sing the praises of the PS3 and the PS3 alone and Sony would never allow a game as important as FFXIII to go multi-format especially in their current situation!

FF HAS been multiformat, FF7 and FF8 where released on the Playstation and the PC.

There has been alot of chatter on the gaming sites, about Square's comments that game development costs are so high, that not making games multiformat is almost suicide. Also with the change from the White engine to Unreal Engine 3, the chances of making games multiformat seem rather likely.
Hokum said:
CitizenGeek said:
Er ... what? What makes you think FFXIII will go multi-format? In fact, it's not likely at all! FF has never been multiformat in the past, the games developers regularly sing the praises of the PS3 and the PS3 alone and Sony would never allow a game as important as FFXIII to go multi-format especially in their current situation!

FF HAS been multiformat, FF7 and FF8 where released on the Playstation and the PC.

But the PC versions were not released simultaneously with the PS1 versions. Those versions came a few years later.

There has been alot of chatter on the gaming sites, about Square's comments that game development costs are so high, that not making games multiformat is almost suicide.

I think you've confused "chatter" with "rumors". And there's a new rumor in the gaming world every 10 seconds, so I don't know why you'd take these rumors seriously. The FFVII remake has been rumored for 5 years, and Square Enix have said they still aren't working on it. Rumors cannot be trusted.

Also with the change from the White engine to Unreal Engine 3, the chances of making games multiformat seem rather likely.

This is a common misconception. Square Enix did not 'change' to the UE3 engine, they just licensed it from Epic to use for making 360 games. The White Engine is still being used for FFXIII.

I'd like to see FFXIII on 360 - it's mean I wouldn't have to pay that ridiculous price for the PS3 to play the upcoming game I want most. But it's not going to happen, I'm afraid.