Best and most dissapointing games of 2007

Another disappointment for me was Final Fantasy III.

It's like because it hadn't come out in Europe before or whatever, loads of people thought it was automatically awesome. wasn't.

The Chocobo game was a nice surprise though...I like it a lot.

Ugh... I forgot about Battle Revolution...I wasn't expecting much, but I was expecting more than that... =/
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
Remember, this is opinion, there's no way FF:XII was the best of the year either. ;]

Actually, there is :p



"Of course, this magazine could also be labeled as opinionated even if they are regarded as professional game reviewers."


"Remember, they too are human; and many humans hold opinions, only if it was possibly a machine constructed the magazine then we can take it seriously, no machine is aware of self therefore holds no opinions!"


"So do not link me to something like that again to justify your own opinion in the future, Mr. Geek!!!"
Lupus Inu said:
So do not link me to something like that again to justify your own opinion in the future, Mr. Geek!!!

Well, you said that there was "no way" FFXII could be considered the best game of the year, but your case is made significantly weaker when you consider the fact that what is probably the most respected gaming-based publication in the whole world (and this is evident in how their picking of FFXII as GotY was reported on pretty much every gaming site and blog going) chose FFXII as the best game of the year ;]
Best: Super Mario Galaxy
Worst: I have no idea, all I've played is Super Mario Galaxy, LOL.

My brother is a huge game nut so I get to play on all of his consoles. I haven't tried out Halo yet but I will at some point. However, Super Mario Galaxy completely captivated me from the moment I started playing - everything about it is fantastic; the graphics, the music, the actual gameplay... I love it.
Taylor said:
The wii was the most wanted system over christmas, sold so many!

Popularity means ziltch, it just means the public can be won over with gimmicks and correct marketing. Just ask Spiderman 3, which is the highest grossing movie of the year, and if someone says that is the best movie of the year, all they've watched then, was Spiderman 3, because tonnes of better movies have been released to little commercial sucess. And if we were basing Console King on quality of games, it would have to go to the console I have no interest in owning, the Xbox 360, and then, heck, the PlayStation 3, and then the Wii. I've said this before, and untill Nintendo fixes this, I'll say it agian, other than two games there isn't any really great games on the Wii that are currently out, compared to the compeititions current offerings, and I know, because I own a Wii that has more dust on it than my 10 year old PlayStation.

Agian, the handheld wars should have the PSP dominating the DS if it was a game of quality for this year. The PSP really had the best handheld games of the year(I know, because I own a PSP and DS), with Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, Jeanne D'arc, Final Fantasy: Tactics, Ratchet & Clank, and such, compared to the DS, which only had Zelda this year that was worth mentioning. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl may have been fun, but it wasn't something new, infact, other than Wifi, and Poffin making, why were those games even on the DS? It didn't seem like Game Freak really tried to make this game a DS experience, and it really did show in a lack of quality.

So, to conclude my constant rambling ons, sales are not determined by quality, but are determined by marketing gimmicks.
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
So do not link me to something like that again to justify your own opinion in the future, Mr. Geek!!!

Well, you said that there was "no way" FFXII could be considered the best game of the year, but your case is made significantly weaker when you consider the fact that what is probably the most respected gaming-based publication in the whole world (and this is evident in how their picking of FFXII as GotY was reported on pretty much every gaming site and blog going) chose FFXII as the best game of the year ;]

Even still, its still not the best game of the year, in fact just to be awkward, you could say there is no best game of the year and every game could be game of the year, as no two people will have the same opinion, and so it will be different for everyone.
Besides that was the 06 game of the year bit anyways, not 07 :p
Arbalest said:
Even still, its still not the best game of the year, in fact just to be awkward, you could say there is no best game of the year and every game could be game of the year, as no two people will have the same opinion, and so it will be different for everyone.

Meh, everything isn't that vague, you know. I couldn't just come out and say "Well, Titanic is the worst movie ever!", despite the fact the movie has won 11 Oscars and expect to have any credibility.

Besides that was the 06 game of the year bit anyways, not 07 :p

But FFXII came to Europe in '07 :p
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus Inu said:
Remember, this is opinion, there's no way FF:XII was the best of the year either. ;]

Actually, there is :p

Sorry to sound obnoxious there, but you have officially shown a link to the worst game reviewer magazine on earth. Even a lot of gamers admit Edge is one of the worst...

And like everyone else says, It's all based on opinions, even Professional reviewers show their opinions, not the facts.

I admit FFXII is a big change, but not revolutionary (Knights of the old republic, anyone?). But FFXII doesn't deserve "Game of the year", because of it's broken licence grid, and characters aren't any different to each other.

Now that I mention it, doesn't FF character actually have their own abilities. Lately, they all seem to have the same abilities in the end... and with FFXII, you can all have them equip swords, which kills the difference between characters.

Another reason I dislike FFXII. Still, I have high hope for FFXIII to solve this, with actually difference betwen characters... instead of personalities
I haven't really played any bad games this year, I haven't played many at all really. I played the demo of Burnout Paradise and was pretty disappointed, I get tired of all these "sandbox" style games.

Lost Planet was surprisingly ace, I got sucked right in. I was instantly hooked on Flatout: Ultimate Carnage too, these two games really surprised me, great fun.
Warning: These may have not all come out in 2007 but i first played them this year so they count to me and i can't be arsed to look up the release date.

Crysis - wow graphics wise this game blew me away, gameplay wise it's not the best FPS released this year (some incredibly strong competition) but something fresh and innovative.
Football Manager 2008- I know 90% of this forum hates football, but i love it and this game has me hooked, up till 4am playing it, swearing at the monitor etc lol i love it.

Halo 3 - i bum the halo series, i loved this game, it was everything Halo 2 wasn't, it was a near perfect homage to the first game with some cracking levels, gameplay and storyline, epic. Just wish they'd have had a time limit on the last level :( Plus i love the online multipler and forge.

Guitar Hero III - So much fun, even a guitar player like me can have hours of fun with some quality tracks. This was the first guitar hero game i've played and i was hooked.

Wii Sports - Yeah everyone says it gets old, but i've only had it like 2 weeks so i'm still loving it. Highlight of the year was watching my extended family play it on christmas day, especially on boxing lol now that is great to watch.

Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - Took me a while to get in to it but loving how they integrated the wii controls for gameplay, hope i can finish this one, been stuck on zelda 2 since i was 6


New Super Mario Bros - I got one of those magic DS cards and just couldn't stop playing this game, i loved it, what a homage to the old school gamer. Still havn't finished it.

After halo 3 i honestly can't say theres any game i'm that bothered or excited about seeing released. I used to be a huge FF player and MGS but kinda grown out of them after i don't have the time to play rpg's anymore and the storylines of MGS just got stupid.
Possibly Gears of War 2 could stir me but i'll just let my bro buy it lol.

Worst (in general)
FFXII - Not that it was a bad game but i just couldn't get in to it. I didn't like the lead character or the fighting system and it bored me. This was the first FF i'd played since X which was a good few years ago and i just couldn't be bothered with XII i guess i just don't have the time or patience for rpg's anymore which is weird coming from a guy who played VII, VIII, and X to death.

FarCry (360) Arghh the graphics hurt my eyes! and multiplayer online, the guy is in the car but from where i'm looking he's not even holding the wheel! poor.
I did not get that many games last year,


COD4 - It had a extremly good storyline as well as an amazing online experiance easily my favourite game this year

Metroid Prime: Curroption - It is the best in the prime series as it had a good storyline and you do not lose all the upgrades at the start of the game and the innovative control sceme work really well.

Super paper mario - this is better than the second one though there is not much of an improvement in the grapics


Halo 3 - I know many people would probly question me about why I found it dissapoint but with all the hype and perfect scores I was expecting more than a seven hour campagin which wasn't all that exciting, I thought the graphics were great until I got the the human models which were half assed and the multiplyer isn't anything special.

Assassin's creed - WOW now this was a dissapointment woth all the hype and the way the producer looks probly doubled the sales the game was not very good because the battle system is very repidetive and boring, there is too much talking you regret even killing them because you have to listen to long speeches every time something happens, the missions are repeditive because you do the same three tasks over and over again a little variaty would not go amiss and the fact that it is set in the future totally ruined it

Final fantasy 12 - I was expecting more from Square-enix because of the great back catalouge of games (except 10-2) but this one just bored me until I could not play it anymore because the voice acting was bad and the battle system was extremly boring.
I loved FFXII (please don't throw rocks) although I'll agree that the last boss was really overpowered but I loved the huge exploration of the rest of the game

One day I plan to restart it
I've said quite a bit that I didn't like FF XII, but now I'm thinking I didn't really give it that much of a chance. I plan on restarting it in a few months with a more open mind, so maybe I'll like it more. Maybe... =/
Just finished Half life 2 and both accompanying episodes and have to say aits absolutoly amazing,
In fact its definitly one of the best games Ive EVER played.So many games could learn a thing or two from valve.

COD was amazing and one of my faves this year but HL just takes the cake,, cant wait for ep 3.

Hmm, also just want to add how dissapointed I was with Mass effect and Assasins Creed.
Both are good and at times great games, they just didint deliver for me.
I mean mass effect s side missions are very similar and boring, much like Asssasins Creed.

Trust me, anyone who hasint got the orange Box NEEDS IT NOW, Def best 360 game of the year.
Aaron said:
I've said quite a bit that I didn't like FF XII, but now I'm thinking I didn't really give it that much of a chance. I plan on restarting it in a few months with a more open mind, so maybe I'll like it more. Maybe... =/

That seems to be the case with a lot of people who say they didn't like FFXII - they really haven't approached the game with an open mind. I'm sure you'll appreciate it more after giving it a second chance :]

McIcy said:
I loved FFXII (please don't throw rocks) although I'll agree that the last boss was really overpowered but I loved the huge exploration of the rest of the game

One day I plan to restart it

I spend 150+ hours on that game, and working through all that again seems dauting! But then I remember just how utterly enjoyable every second of the game was, and I get the urge to do it all over again! 8D
CitizenGeek said:
McIcy said:
I loved FFXII (please don't throw rocks) although I'll agree that the last boss was really overpowered but I loved the huge exploration of the rest of the game

One day I plan to restart it

I spend 150+ hours on that game, and working through all that again seems dauting! But then I remember just how utterly enjoyable every second of the game was, and I get the urge to do it all over again! 8D

Exactly, plus I love replaying a game and trying different set ups like trying different weapons out and trying to collect all the stuff I missed out on last time, although I am fearing having to redo all the hunts, they took me forever last time.

Might restart it next sunday as my gf is away for a week so will have a lot of uninterrupted play time