BBC to debut Pokémon: Horizons in the UK


I'm so glad it's not on Pop - the picture quality on that channel is absolutely rotten. I'm sure they play their shows off old VHS tapes.

Hopefully Netflix gets the last season of Journeys soon. I'm looking forward to Horizons anyway! It's not like it's necessary to finish off Journeys before starting Horizons... 😭
anime on the Beeb
Grew up with anime on the BEEB! Didn't know it at the time though: Ulysses 31, The Mysterious Cities of Gold, Dogtanian and Willy Fogg.
Also the first I saw knowing it was anime was Akira, shown on BBC 2.

Also all my Ghibli viewing was on Film 4, but I only became aware of them when Spirited Away won the Oscar, so not sure if the BEEB showed any before that. Saw a few other anime films in the 90s on Channel 4.
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