ayase said:
Just thought I'd let people know that as part of my effort to get out and do things (which has been an incredibly rare occurrence over the past couple of years) I'm going to be in London on the 23rd and 24th of March if Chaos wants to berate me in person for being such a terrible reviewer or Vash wants to have that argum... debate over a pint. First time I've been in about fifteen years, I think.
Oh my... It's Sunnycon days.....
I've not confirmed going to this one just yet, still depending on confirming this with some other friends,
vashdaman said:
Ah I missed this post. Yes I'm definitely down for a little meet up, and all the more better if my forum hero Zinki can come too! Though be warned, while I'm probably no less opinionated in the flesh than I am online, I may be slightly more quiet than one might expect from reading my posts...or maybe I'm not ahaha, I really don't know.
Zin5ki is your hero =D
That would be a conversation for posterity!
GolGotha said:
I'm only 30 mins away from Kings Cross on the train, so I could always pop down....? I know I'm not that known on here, but it would make it less of a sausage fest
......Now I just have to hope that the people mentioned are male
Chaos - male
Ayase - male
Zin5ki - male
Vashdaman - I've got no idea...
ayase said:
I'm currently thinking aft/eve of Saturday the 23rd (to give me some time to myself on the 24th)

but if that doesn't suit I can always do things the other way around. Will have to check my train times again...
If I'm in town, either day works for me. If you've got anything in particular you're interested in, I'm happy to be your guide. I've organised walks for my friends in the past, like K-On London tour, Harry Potter London walking tour and more on the artsy side, Street Art East London tour....
devilrules666 said:
is it ok if I pop in as well? Just one train for me. It would be nice to put some names to faces.
And you'll leave the baby for your partner to care for? I think you should bring your kid as well, to start being doctrinated in anime and geek culture =P
Ath said:
I'm always up for a pint, would be cool to meet people!
Shirayuri said:
It's likely I'll be in there too. Wow Ayase, you sure are the most popular forum member here, lol.
I can think of only one forum member who would gather more interest for a personal meetup and that's Rui....
ayase said:
Who says they want to meet me Shira? Personally I think they're all just dying to meet Zin5ki.
Funnily enough, Zin's sister confirmed he is always like that.....
ayase said:
While you're all perfectly welcome and I don't wish to exclude anybody I think the time has maybe come from my perspective (before things get too complicated) to set a time and a place and if you can be there, great, I'll be there also - This doesn't of course stop any other London members from meeting up at any other point in the day should they wish to, or the creation of a kind of moving and evolving group. I will have a think and be back tomorrow with my plan...
Happy to help you plan this.