Art project help - what says Japan to you?

Well I know a few hirigana charecters and waht they mean, and now having installed ubuntu on my lappy has a handy charecter symbol app, that lets you look at charecters of diiferent culters and what they mean.

YEAH go open source software!
Thanks for everyones help so far!
Alot of the obvious things have come up a few times which i expected, but definitely good to note as it really shows some of the things which i would be quite stupid not to think of including.
Though there has definitely been a few things i didn't think of also, and a few more ideas have been conjured in the process.

I really liked what melonpan was saying about the contrast between old and new, and putting them together!

Everyone has given me much to think about. This is certainly not a project near completion, it's still in the planning stages, so if anyone has any other ideas along this theme of representing/capturing a bit of Japan i would be more than happy to hear them. I'm still not entirely decided on what form this should all take. Whether it should be a series of pieces, illustrations for a fictitious book about Japan, or even just one large mural like piece.

Thanks once again for the help, it is much appreciated
i would definately include a geisha, also you could have one of your paintings as like a tokyo backdrop with all the lit up adverts and signs. im doing a japanese project for school :) except mine is in textiles :p
Geisha actually is another i have to agree with, even now you will find them in japan, and they are probably, along with Samurai, people who you could automatically relate to Japan. On top of that, their kimono they always wear are usually amazing works of art.