Are you turning into a Manga/Anime character?

I think I'm becoming more and more like Raito from Death Note but then again I've always been this way. o__o Except I couldn't hurt a fly and I'm way too nice.
Wellll i did look like Hikaru Shindo from Hikaru no Go up until a few days ago.I had the front of my hair a blondey orange.But now after dying it black and it being a bit longer,i now look like Hinata Hyuga from least i look like a girl anime character now i suppose :wink: hah
Hehe, in the past 3-4 years, everyone has said that I look really manga/anime - probably due to my long hair, glasses and gothic lolita clothing. XD
Hiya Sonia

I love Gothic Lolita clothing! Have you read Kamikaze Girls? I really admire the punk rock way of living that gothic lolita's live by. I hope you don't mind me asking, but where do you get your clothes from? Ever since I stumbled in to GL culture, I can only wear socks with ribbon ties. LOL!!!

M.G xx

M.G xx
Read some of the manga and watched the movie. Most of my clothes are directly from the GothLoli brands in Japan (Innocent World and BABY are my favs, though I have a couple of pieces from AP and VM), some are tailored/handmade/customised.

It's difficult to get well made gothloli stuff here, try checking out the EGL livejournal community for second hand sales, try out Sai Sai's at Camden market, try ebay (one of my favourite tailors is Fanplusfriend) or be prepared to save up about £100-200 to use a shopping service from Japan to buy those coveted brand items.

If you want to know more, PM me, I don't want to go off topic too much. ^_^
It's funny, I've offen thought about the characters some of the people around me portray but never about myself. Sitting here and thinking about it now I think I've become very much like Rosette from Chrno Crusade. I can have a fowl temper, I'm stubborn and implusive not to mention my extream determination, that tends to get me in trouble alot of the time ^.^;
Then again, theres also the quieter side to me, that only people who no me very well tend to see. In that case I would act more like Chrno I think.
Chrno Crusade is my current #1 anime so it's funny to think how thats affected me.
Manga Girls said:
Hello everyone!

Ever since Expo, I've realised that I am slowly turning into a manga character (Ritsuka from Loveless) Without really realising it, I'd started to wear the same type of clothes as him and I'm spiking my hair just a little bit more than I normally would.

So I was wondering, what kind of effect is manga/anime having on your lives?

M.G xx

yes. specially when i was in highschool. the whole class had to get me to get in to this dare where i stop to act like one. bec they said all my movements was taken out of a manga book. :shock: the dare was to stop acting like an anime character or i'll be walking with a paper stuck on my back with the words "anime addict". apparently it didnt work... even i had the paper on my back for two freakin weeks... :!:
I will be taking on certain anime stylee characteristics this weekend but that is because I am cosplaying for the first time :D can't wait
Heya McIcy

Excellant! Good to hear you are cosplaying! Who are you going as? My first time cosplaying was as Ritsuka from Loveless. It was amusing... walking around London as a catboy, to say the very least.

Have fun and tell me all about it later, 'kay? I'd like to know how it goes.


M.G xx
Well, I've been considering taking in pics of characters from Maria-sama ga Miteru to the hairdressers and asking them to give me a cut in that style (albeit without the impossible sophistication and beauty O_O)... Every now and then I've almost unconsciously taken on the look of a character from the latest obsession, then been surprised when people point it out to me.
I usually look like this, well, always.


But this would suit me.


Yeah, i'm watching Elfen Lied again so its on my head alot (excuse the pun)
8) 8) 8)
I have decided for my birthday in a few weeks time to get a Kino haircut from Kino's Journey. She is currently my avatar and wallpaper. Definately one of my favourite anime characters...

M.G xx
I want Light/Ratio's hair cut; except in black. because its simple. dont want people to think i'm a freak. and it looks cool.

When you guys get your hair done like a character do you like show a picture to the hair dresser; i'm oh-so tempted to do that.

Yes, do take a picture with you. The first time I got an anime haircut I took a dvd cover which surprised my hairdresser some what. But now everytime I go in she's always, "So what are we creating today?" and keen to see the styles. When I got my Furuba haircuts I have often taken a volume of manga with me. This time, I'm getting a Kino haircut, so I will be taking a dvd. I've often found that a good hairdresser is always happy to create an interesting style, so give it a go!

M.G xx
Time to get my hair cut, I wish I could get one like Sagara Sosuke from FMP, but it usually just ends up getting shaved down short.
I hear a lot of anime characters say 'Eeeeeeh?' or 'Mmmm' (As in 'what' and 'yeah'), and I've picked up on it badly. My parents hate it XD
'Do you want that?'
I say 'Uwaaah' a lot too ...XD;; Among some other things, which again drive my parents mad.

Apparently I do a wierd thing with my mouth too that makes me look like an anime charatcers expression....O__o;